Looks like I am headed in the right direction for a career even though its the list for 2007. It's not like when I'm done in 2009 it won't still be a good job. I think it will be even better because I have joined!
Just kidding!
Friday, December 29, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
well I have been done since yesterday at 3:15, but there were celebratory activities afterwards. Then I was too tired to say DONE!
and the awesome news is that I am coming back next semester! I'm pretty sure I passed all my classes, so my lucky classmates get to see me again =)
Now I'm packing up the car and going back to Houston.
Then this weekend is going to be packed with fun things to do. I'll be leaving for Austin tomorrow afternoon. Old work is having their annual Holiday party Friday night. Saturday is Kelvin's birthday and Sunday is Sungjin's graduation. I am ecstatic to be in Austin again and seeing friends. and it's suppose to be cold up there. whoohooo...I get to bust out the coats! Oh how I miss that city! It's time to go finish packing up my car. Hope to see some of y'all soon =D
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Anatomy Final
It took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to take my final today. I was the second to last one to be done. That's so me. Near the last one to be done. I checked my test 3 times to make sure I didn't do anything stupid before I turned it in. I found like 2 stupid mistakes and then I changed my answer but with good reasoning. I hope it was good reasoning! Patricia, our professor, said she have the grades done by the end of the week and it will be posted on econnect by next week. Well I guess she was quicker than she thought. She was done today and sent us an email.
"There were some squeakers but the bottom line for the final course grade is 13 As, 15 Bs, and one C."
Ahh...now I want to know my grade. I don't want to wait now to find out what it is if she's already got them graded. So I sent her an email to see if I can find out earlier...haha....why am I so stuck on finding out what I got. I'm sure it's not the C and it's probably a B. I just want to be sure.
You guys should have seen the class during the test. The application portion of the exam has all of us standing up, sitting down, taking shoes off, doing all these actions, and all this other stuff to figure out the answer. I was quite amused.
Off to studying for my last final tomorrow. By this time tmrw, I will be partying it up =)
"There were some squeakers but the bottom line for the final course grade is 13 As, 15 Bs, and one C."
Ahh...now I want to know my grade. I don't want to wait now to find out what it is if she's already got them graded. So I sent her an email to see if I can find out earlier...haha....why am I so stuck on finding out what I got. I'm sure it's not the C and it's probably a B. I just want to be sure.
You guys should have seen the class during the test. The application portion of the exam has all of us standing up, sitting down, taking shoes off, doing all these actions, and all this other stuff to figure out the answer. I was quite amused.
Off to studying for my last final tomorrow. By this time tmrw, I will be partying it up =)
TMI= too much information
Anatomy final in 6 hours and 20 minutes.
I am pretty sure I know more than 50% of the information, so I'm pretty sure I have the B (hopefully!). Now, can my brain pull off the A? We shall see!!!
Good night my friends =)
Anatomy final in 6 hours and 20 minutes.
I am pretty sure I know more than 50% of the information, so I'm pretty sure I have the B (hopefully!). Now, can my brain pull off the A? We shall see!!!
Good night my friends =)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Before I go to bed...
I wish my brain had more motivation to finish out the semester. Seriously, I have 3 more days, including today. I am done on Wednesday and should be happy I'm done so early. I am happy and ve rmuch excited, I just want my brain to cooperate with me so I can pull out As because that would be absolutely AMAZING!!! So my friends and I figured out that we need an 85 on our anatomy final to keep the A we have, but can get a 50 and still have a B. When I saw that my brain immediately thought GREAT! I do not have to study so hard. Haha...hmmm...I am pretty sure some people who are reading this are yelling and want to yell at me for thinking about being a slacker. Haha... When I started grad school, I knew I would be fine with Bs. That would already be better than grades at UT. Shoot, during undergrad, Bs were awesome to me! I was definitely a B/C student until I switched majors, but by then it was too late for my GPA. Anyway, grades in grad school don't mean much when it comes to treating clients. You just can't get Cs. People who hire you don't look at grades because most everything is based on you during rotations. and I'm pretty sure I can do well there. I do better applying than taking tests anyway. No worries people who are wanting to yell at me, I am shooting for the A even if my brain won't play along with the rest of me. Time for bed, it will be awhile before I get any good sleep!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Random 3
Well not so random and probably TMI for you...
I bought the Mach 3 last night and totally in love with it! I left my razor who knows where, and I just couldn't deal with all the pricklies anymore. But I don't know if it's because my skin hasn't seen a razor in almost 2 weeks or if this shaver really leaves my skin as smooth as a baby's booty. I choose the razor. I've used it before. My question is, how come men and women shavers are so different. I sometimes think women's hair can just be as thick.
Sorry, this entry has probably grossed you guys out!
No more random thoughts for awhile. Going to actually head off to the library to study. I can't seem to do anything in my room but watch football.
I bought the Mach 3 last night and totally in love with it! I left my razor who knows where, and I just couldn't deal with all the pricklies anymore. But I don't know if it's because my skin hasn't seen a razor in almost 2 weeks or if this shaver really leaves my skin as smooth as a baby's booty. I choose the razor. I've used it before. My question is, how come men and women shavers are so different. I sometimes think women's hair can just be as thick.
Sorry, this entry has probably grossed you guys out!
No more random thoughts for awhile. Going to actually head off to the library to study. I can't seem to do anything in my room but watch football.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
random 2
Lets see how many random things I can post from now til the end of finals.
adameepoo (5:06:09 PM): you are gorgeous
Auto response from lil nie 15 (5:06:09 PM): why is it that it is always a gorgeous day when I have finals?
adameepoo (5:06:14 PM): and like forces repel
adameepoo (5:06:20 PM): the day hates you :T
lil nie 15 (5:11:04 PM): adam
lil nie 15 (5:11:08 PM): that was really sweet
lil nie 15 (5:11:15 PM): thanks for putting a smile on my face
adameepoo (5:11:21 PM): :D
adameepoo (5:11:24 PM): no problem
lil nie 15 (5:11:30 PM): i miss my friend
adameepoo (5:11:37 PM): your friend misses you too
lil nie 15 (5:24:54 PM): ur my away msg
lil nie 15 (5:24:54 PM): haha
adameepoo (5:25:22 PM): noo
adameepoo (5:25:25 PM): what if some dude likes you
adameepoo (5:25:27 PM): and sees that
adameepoo (5:25:30 PM): and gets the wrong idea
adameepoo (5:25:34 PM): and comes kick my *** <--sorry must bleep out
lil nie 15 (5:25:42 PM): no ones gonna drive out to senora <--who knows where that is?!?!
lil nie 15 (5:25:43 PM): haha
lil nie 15 (5:25:46 PM): its like podunk
adameepoo (5:26:08 PM): if i get my *** beat <--sorry must bleep out again
adameepoo (5:26:10 PM): im blaming you
adameepoo (5:06:09 PM): you are gorgeous
Auto response from lil nie 15 (5:06:09 PM): why is it that it is always a gorgeous day when I have finals?
adameepoo (5:06:14 PM): and like forces repel
adameepoo (5:06:20 PM): the day hates you :T
lil nie 15 (5:11:04 PM): adam
lil nie 15 (5:11:08 PM): that was really sweet
lil nie 15 (5:11:15 PM): thanks for putting a smile on my face
adameepoo (5:11:21 PM): :D
adameepoo (5:11:24 PM): no problem
lil nie 15 (5:11:30 PM): i miss my friend
adameepoo (5:11:37 PM): your friend misses you too
lil nie 15 (5:24:54 PM): ur my away msg
lil nie 15 (5:24:54 PM): haha
adameepoo (5:25:22 PM): noo
adameepoo (5:25:25 PM): what if some dude likes you
adameepoo (5:25:27 PM): and sees that
adameepoo (5:25:30 PM): and gets the wrong idea
adameepoo (5:25:34 PM): and comes kick my *** <--sorry must bleep out
lil nie 15 (5:25:42 PM): no ones gonna drive out to senora <--who knows where that is?!?!
lil nie 15 (5:25:43 PM): haha
lil nie 15 (5:25:46 PM): its like podunk
adameepoo (5:26:08 PM): if i get my *** beat <--sorry must bleep out again
adameepoo (5:26:10 PM): im blaming you
I love cereal! Eating it right now. It's probably one of my favorite foods to eat no matter what time of the day it is.
How do you get to play in the Dr. Pepper football challenge? I want to play in it. For kicks & if I make it, then I get money too. Win Win situation for me! I think Liem would do pretty well in it.
How do you get to play in the Dr. Pepper football challenge? I want to play in it. For kicks & if I make it, then I get money too. Win Win situation for me! I think Liem would do pretty well in it.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
What does your dad do for a living?
To this day I still don't know what my dad does exactly. He works with oil machinary, I think.
That's for you Andrew. He works with machines. haha...
That's for you Andrew. He works with machines. haha...
Brrrrr on the island
It's funny how I have always have a hard time writing papers, but when I'm blogging there's not much of a problem. Obviously, it's because this is by choice, and I pretty much just type exactly what's in my head. That's also another problem. Sometimes I talk like I'm FOB.
So I am still cranking out this paper that is due tomorrow at 4pm. That's in 23 hours and 45 mins...shoot I have lots of time! haha. I've been working on this all week, and the prof was right, should have started this earlier. For once I have not been able to complete a research paper in 5 days. I don't think it has taken me this long before. All the papers I have had to turn in earlier in the semester didn't take me this long. This paper isn't all that different from others ones. Oh well. It's the end of the semester. I don't regret taking the entire week of Thanksgiving and doing nothing. It was good for my mental health.
Texas weather is weird. I am freezing in my room. I wonder if it's colder outside or inside. I knew the weather would drop like 30 degrees from morning to night, but the weatherman was slightly off with his timing. It wasn't suppose to get cold until 2 or 3 today. I went to school in jeans and a thin long sleeves. I was burning up as I walked to class this morning and was even sweating a lil. During class you can see it get windy, but if you touched the window it wasn't cold yet. Come 11:30 as I was going home, it was FREEZING!!! It got cold and extremely windy and my toes didn't want to grasp onto my flip flops! I absolutely love cold weather. I much rather be cold than hot, but my body hates cold weather. I have poor circulation and low blood pressure. It's normal for me, but not normal to the normal people. My body cannot adjust to the cold weather. It just never warms up unless I have millions of layers on me. Two years ago when I was in NY, I would have on all these clothes and my puffer and still be cold until I walk inside. Now I don't want to do anything even more except go lie under my covers. Until then, I'll just have layers of clothes on and fuzzy slippers I got from An earlier this semester =)
Oh geez, I can smell the cigarette smoke from down the hall. I wonder how he gets away with smoking in his room. I guess I better get back to my paper. Sorry, random.
Before I forget, I got pooped on by those loud black birds that gather around my dorm in the evenings. At least I was coming back from the fieldhouse and not going to it. Things from nowhere like to land on me. It wasn't that much, but it made my night!
Now back to my occupation paper on mothering. I should frame this paper since I am putting so much time into it!
So I am still cranking out this paper that is due tomorrow at 4pm. That's in 23 hours and 45 mins...shoot I have lots of time! haha. I've been working on this all week, and the prof was right, should have started this earlier. For once I have not been able to complete a research paper in 5 days. I don't think it has taken me this long before. All the papers I have had to turn in earlier in the semester didn't take me this long. This paper isn't all that different from others ones. Oh well. It's the end of the semester. I don't regret taking the entire week of Thanksgiving and doing nothing. It was good for my mental health.
Texas weather is weird. I am freezing in my room. I wonder if it's colder outside or inside. I knew the weather would drop like 30 degrees from morning to night, but the weatherman was slightly off with his timing. It wasn't suppose to get cold until 2 or 3 today. I went to school in jeans and a thin long sleeves. I was burning up as I walked to class this morning and was even sweating a lil. During class you can see it get windy, but if you touched the window it wasn't cold yet. Come 11:30 as I was going home, it was FREEZING!!! It got cold and extremely windy and my toes didn't want to grasp onto my flip flops! I absolutely love cold weather. I much rather be cold than hot, but my body hates cold weather. I have poor circulation and low blood pressure. It's normal for me, but not normal to the normal people. My body cannot adjust to the cold weather. It just never warms up unless I have millions of layers on me. Two years ago when I was in NY, I would have on all these clothes and my puffer and still be cold until I walk inside. Now I don't want to do anything even more except go lie under my covers. Until then, I'll just have layers of clothes on and fuzzy slippers I got from An earlier this semester =)
Oh geez, I can smell the cigarette smoke from down the hall. I wonder how he gets away with smoking in his room. I guess I better get back to my paper. Sorry, random.
Before I forget, I got pooped on by those loud black birds that gather around my dorm in the evenings. At least I was coming back from the fieldhouse and not going to it. Things from nowhere like to land on me. It wasn't that much, but it made my night!
Now back to my occupation paper on mothering. I should frame this paper since I am putting so much time into it!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
My thoughts exactly!
"There is no pleasure in having nothing to do;
the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it."
--Mary Wilson Little
Thanks Jamie, you read all of our minds!
This is exactly how I feel in the last few days of the semester.
Good night world.
the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it."
--Mary Wilson Little
Thanks Jamie, you read all of our minds!
This is exactly how I feel in the last few days of the semester.
Good night world.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A "final" prayer
Disclaimer: This is not me and is not my mentality. I do totally believe in prayer and find that it doesn't hurt to give a shout out to the Lord before tests. But obviously you, yourself should have put in the work and effort of studying. Anywho, just something my friend sent to me today. Back to my paper I go!
The prayer said before finals:
Now I Lay Me
Down to Study,
I Pray the Lord I
Won't Go Nutty.
If I Should Fail to
Learn this Junk,
I Pray the Lord
I Will Not Flunk.
But If I Do,
Don't Pity Me at All,
Just Lay My Bones
In the Study Hall.
Tell My Prof
I Did My Best,
Then Pile My
Books upon My Chest
Now I Lay Me
Down to Rest,
And Pray I'll Pass
Tomorrow's Test.
If I Should Die Before I Wake,
That's One less Test I'll Have to Take.
The prayer said before finals:
Now I Lay Me
Down to Study,
I Pray the Lord I
Won't Go Nutty.
If I Should Fail to
Learn this Junk,
I Pray the Lord
I Will Not Flunk.
But If I Do,
Don't Pity Me at All,
Just Lay My Bones
In the Study Hall.
Tell My Prof
I Did My Best,
Then Pile My
Books upon My Chest
Now I Lay Me
Down to Rest,
And Pray I'll Pass
Tomorrow's Test.
If I Should Die Before I Wake,
That's One less Test I'll Have to Take.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Fix me please
My best work is almost always done from the hours of 10pm to 2 am. I get so much accomplished during that time. It's like my brain only functions during that small window of 4 hours! Someone please get it to work at other hours of the day...preferrably throughout the entire day, at decent hours, and in those 4 hour chunks with small breaks. I will gladly cook and bake you something if you can fix it. Sorry, that's all I have to offer, I'm poor. My study and homework life would be much better and it may even allow me have a social life of some sort too!
OK, good night to all!
OK, good night to all!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
1 week and 3 days left...
Back on the island, well I've been here since 4:30pm. Serious time. I was really, really sad to come back. Usually I don't mind coming back or leaving Houston, but for some reason this time I was poopy. I even called Annette to tell her I didn't want to go back to Galveston. and NO it's not because I wanted to play more (maybe a lil'), but I didn't get to see a lot of people or hang out with friends very much. and I miss my family too...shhhh don't tell. Anywho, I'm over it. It was just a moment of me being all weird.
I only have 1 week of classes and 2 days of finals left of school! I am soo stinkin' excited and can't wait! Too bad the week before finals, I get another crazy week of work due. Here's a peek into what is left:
This week:
Tuesday, 28th
1. remainder of historical papers due
2. Hearthstone presentation (pretty much done)
Thursday, 30th
Anatomy presentation (pretty much done)
Friday, 1st
HUGE Occupational paper due! (This thing is worth 50% of my grade. Pretty much the grade I get on this paper is the grade I'll get in the class =/ )
Next week:
Tuesday, 5th
Anatomy final 9-11 am (I know nothing except where my gluts are)
Wednesday, 6th
Philosohpical & Historical final 1-3pm
Then I'm done...not bad huh! I think I am going to make it through my first semester of grad school. whoohooo! Back to work I go now!
I only have 1 week of classes and 2 days of finals left of school! I am soo stinkin' excited and can't wait! Too bad the week before finals, I get another crazy week of work due. Here's a peek into what is left:
This week:
Tuesday, 28th
1. remainder of historical papers due
2. Hearthstone presentation (pretty much done)
Thursday, 30th
Anatomy presentation (pretty much done)
Friday, 1st
HUGE Occupational paper due! (This thing is worth 50% of my grade. Pretty much the grade I get on this paper is the grade I'll get in the class =/ )
Next week:
Tuesday, 5th
Anatomy final 9-11 am (I know nothing except where my gluts are)
Wednesday, 6th
Philosohpical & Historical final 1-3pm
Then I'm done...not bad huh! I think I am going to make it through my first semester of grad school. whoohooo! Back to work I go now!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'll write more later because I am suppose to start schoolwork! Except I'll probably be watching football after lunch =D
I have just been summoned by my 6 yr old cousin to go downstairs and cook! It's a good think I like to cook. Though my sister said no to the cheesecake brownies =(
Happy Thanksgiving!
I have just been summoned by my 6 yr old cousin to go downstairs and cook! It's a good think I like to cook. Though my sister said no to the cheesecake brownies =(
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I *heart* OT
Look what we did in class today! Yes that is right, we played with yarn, crayons, markers, feathers, glue, buttons, and a bunch of other stuff =) It was nice to not have to worry or think about quizzes, papers, and tests for an hour. It was our last day in Occupational Influences on Living, so Elicia (professor) threw us a party! Of ocurse there was a lesson and meaning behind it all, afterall this is OT and everything we do has meaning! If you want to know more about meaning, let me know. haha. We still have a major occupational/research paper due (50% of my grade, yikes) in there after Thanksgiving, but I can't believe my first semester in grad school is almost over! Can't wait til winter break...until then here is a picture for you to enjoy!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Yummy in my tummy!
For your pleasure my friends...and if you need a date for the first coupon, I'm game =)
I need head help?
All of yesterday afternoon and last night my internet was out. It seemed everyone connected to UTMB didn't have internet. and it made me so sad. Pathetic I know but it is my only connection to the world outside my dorm room. It really wouldn't be bad if I wasn't by myself because it is not like I need to be chatting or checking my mail all the time. I am not addicted to the internet! I was told I need to learn how to be by myself. I can be by myself, I just don't like to be for long periods of time. and I don't think this has anything to do with my being independent. I just like friends to be around. oh geez, at least I finished my outline!
*I spent some time on the land line instead. Good 'ol fashion communication around Galveston. Not even really any on the cell!
*I spent some time on the land line instead. Good 'ol fashion communication around Galveston. Not even really any on the cell!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Spider Man 3
Got this link from a friend today.
Looks a bit better than the last one. I am not a huge fan of Spiderman 1 or 2. It is entertaining enough though, unlike Superman.
Looks a bit better than the last one. I am not a huge fan of Spiderman 1 or 2. It is entertaining enough though, unlike Superman.
I need to stop talking about football
After Saturday night's lost, I was too sad to think about football. So all day Sunday, I didn't watch a single game nor did I get online to check what was going on (that was hard because I don't have ESPN in my room, so I have to get scores and such somewhere). Well, I broke down this morning and went to ESPN. We're not in the top 10 on anybody's poll, which is a given. =( It's been awhile since we haven't been in the top 10.
But I am glad to hear that Colt's x-rays were negative (get some major PT work going!). We have a bye next week, then it's a&m. I think we can get to a BCS bowl, if Colt comes back. We seem to fall apart without him.
Thank goodness last year, nothing happened to Vince!
*Sorry, this will be my last post about footbal, til next game of course ;D*
Rockets won last night...w00t!
But I am glad to hear that Colt's x-rays were negative (get some major PT work going!). We have a bye next week, then it's a&m. I think we can get to a BCS bowl, if Colt comes back. We seem to fall apart without him.
Thank goodness last year, nothing happened to Vince!
*Sorry, this will be my last post about footbal, til next game of course ;D*
Rockets won last night...w00t!
Thank you for the reminder
My friend sent me this on Friday. Thanks for the encouragement and awesome timing =)
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5
"So as you are finishing up your first semester, remember to offer up your schooling to God and He will carry you through with more than enough strength."
To those who read this, whether you are in school or working or doing whatever, I pass this along to you. Hopefully this reminds you to keep persevering and have joy in the Lord.
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:3-5
"So as you are finishing up your first semester, remember to offer up your schooling to God and He will carry you through with more than enough strength."
To those who read this, whether you are in school or working or doing whatever, I pass this along to you. Hopefully this reminds you to keep persevering and have joy in the Lord.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Response to WOW...
CALL ME MR PARK (2:07:36 PM): you're so cute when you're angry
CALL ME MR PARK (2:08:13 PM): like a kid that's angry but too little to do any damage
lil nie 15 (2:27:10 PM): you said i am cute
lil nie 15 (2:27:23 PM): im breaking down your hard, mean shell
CALL ME MR PARK (2:29:15 PM): whatever
CALL ME MR PARK (2:29:33 PM): honestly i like to piss you off just to see you angry
lil nie 15 (2:30:07 PM): this is true
lil nie 15 (2:30:10 PM): you did it all the time
lil nie 15 (2:30:19 PM): and probably would still do it if i were still around
lil nie 15 (2:30:23 PM): especially playing ball
CALL ME MR PARK (2:31:41 PM): O:-)
Ouucchy1 (2:55:19 PM): im gonna try to divorce football
lil nie 15 (2:55:25 PM): lol
Ouucchy1 (2:55:25 PM): irreconcilable differences
lil nie 15 (2:55:32 PM): can i do that too
Ouucchy1 (2:55:48 PM): football causes me too much pain
**I am procrasinating again! and I will be driving into Houston tonight to have dinner with the family and family friends because I don't want to do work**
CALL ME MR PARK (2:08:13 PM): like a kid that's angry but too little to do any damage
lil nie 15 (2:27:10 PM): you said i am cute
lil nie 15 (2:27:23 PM): im breaking down your hard, mean shell
CALL ME MR PARK (2:29:15 PM): whatever
CALL ME MR PARK (2:29:33 PM): honestly i like to piss you off just to see you angry
lil nie 15 (2:30:07 PM): this is true
lil nie 15 (2:30:10 PM): you did it all the time
lil nie 15 (2:30:19 PM): and probably would still do it if i were still around
lil nie 15 (2:30:23 PM): especially playing ball
CALL ME MR PARK (2:31:41 PM): O:-)
Ouucchy1 (2:55:19 PM): im gonna try to divorce football
lil nie 15 (2:55:25 PM): lol
Ouucchy1 (2:55:25 PM): irreconcilable differences
lil nie 15 (2:55:32 PM): can i do that too
Ouucchy1 (2:55:48 PM): football causes me too much pain
**I am procrasinating again! and I will be driving into Houston tonight to have dinner with the family and family friends because I don't want to do work**
Saturday, November 11, 2006
and that's not a good WOW either
Does UT know what is involved in a football game? I feel like they need to go back and learn what their position entails. I'm pretty disappointed with defense and offense right now (did we have any of those lines tonight? seriously). BAD BAD BAD CALL in the first series. Yes, we lost Colt, but um...if our team knew how to play football, it might not have been so bad. We were so totally, utterly, completely lost tonight. I can't really even blame Snead...he was pretty much the only new guy on the field. He's a noob, and in my opinion, he did better than the rest! I cannot get over this. I am still in denial. I really need to stop talking about this, too bad I can't...
It is really bad if you caused Annie to have tears in her eyes, and they weren't happy tears...yeah that is right, I had tears! Football makes me an emotional wreck! Thank goodness I don't have ESPN.
I still love my Horns; they just like to make me angry >:/
The way we played, we deserved to lose...uhgggg
I don't know if I can get over this...
Does UT know what is involved in a football game? I feel like they need to go back and learn what their position entails. I'm pretty disappointed with defense and offense right now (did we have any of those lines tonight? seriously). BAD BAD BAD CALL in the first series. Yes, we lost Colt, but um...if our team knew how to play football, it might not have been so bad. We were so totally, utterly, completely lost tonight. I can't really even blame Snead...he was pretty much the only new guy on the field. He's a noob, and in my opinion, he did better than the rest! I cannot get over this. I am still in denial. I really need to stop talking about this, too bad I can't...
It is really bad if you caused Annie to have tears in her eyes, and they weren't happy tears...yeah that is right, I had tears! Football makes me an emotional wreck! Thank goodness I don't have ESPN.
I still love my Horns; they just like to make me angry >:/
The way we played, we deserved to lose...uhgggg
I don't know if I can get over this...
Happy Happy "Joy" Joy!
I am sooo excited...soo sooo sooo sooo sooo VERY VERY excited! But I cannot say anything just yet, which is really hard for me because I am stinkin' HAPPY =) I want to burst!
But I am stuck here in Galveston, trying to work on my presentation, but being me, I am having a hard time getting started. Probably because I am too excited to really be sitting here by myself. Plus it is gorgeous outside! arggg....
So I will procrasinate as always:
Last night SOTA (Student Occupational Therapy Assoc.) put on a fashion show for an Assisted Living Center. I did participate, but not a very good participant. When it was my turn to come walk the "catwalk" I pretty much just scurred across. Yeah...Leah can do a really good imitation of me. It went by pretty fast. I mean was there for not even an hour and that included waiting time. Afterwards we went to the Spot. It was fun to finally hang out with some of the 2nd year OTs. 1st and 2nd years don't really get to hang out. I'll have to get some pictures and post them somewhere and there are some video clips too. Don't know how to do those, but it's ok.
I just have to get through this week, and I'll be off all of next week for Thanksgiving!
Tuesday: Interview paper due
Thursday: Anatomy lab due
Friday: Historical presentation due (this is the biggie)
Can't leave right away after class Friday because I need to do research for my paper that is due a week after Thanksgiving. So I guess either Friday night or Saturday morning I will head back to Houston. I better save something to write later when I am procrasinating again. I think I will go out for a walk...yay!
But I am stuck here in Galveston, trying to work on my presentation, but being me, I am having a hard time getting started. Probably because I am too excited to really be sitting here by myself. Plus it is gorgeous outside! arggg....
So I will procrasinate as always:
Last night SOTA (Student Occupational Therapy Assoc.) put on a fashion show for an Assisted Living Center. I did participate, but not a very good participant. When it was my turn to come walk the "catwalk" I pretty much just scurred across. Yeah...Leah can do a really good imitation of me. It went by pretty fast. I mean was there for not even an hour and that included waiting time. Afterwards we went to the Spot. It was fun to finally hang out with some of the 2nd year OTs. 1st and 2nd years don't really get to hang out. I'll have to get some pictures and post them somewhere and there are some video clips too. Don't know how to do those, but it's ok.
I just have to get through this week, and I'll be off all of next week for Thanksgiving!
Tuesday: Interview paper due
Thursday: Anatomy lab due
Friday: Historical presentation due (this is the biggie)
Can't leave right away after class Friday because I need to do research for my paper that is due a week after Thanksgiving. So I guess either Friday night or Saturday morning I will head back to Houston. I better save something to write later when I am procrasinating again. I think I will go out for a walk...yay!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Patricia, our professor, said to come to class skimpily/scantilly dress for tomorrow. We get to draw all over one another so there needs to be skin showing. I know nothing of the lower extremeties. Haven't studied them or even looked at them outside of class. Oh well, we'll see how it goes tomorrow! Maybe I'll just draw something and pretend I know what I am talking about...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Is this semester over yet?
hm...it has been awhile since I wrote something important. School has somewhat taken over life at the moment. BUT I am excited that I have an entire week of Thanksgiving off because we got our classes moved to the week before. Except that meant that my presenation/project is now due earlier and I lost the weekend to work on it. I guess that's a trade off...
So here is here is a glimpse of what I did last week. I had an anatomy test to study for and this is how I studied...I was drawing my origins and insertions of the forearm muscles on Brad. and I made a slight mistake while drawing. But didn't make that mistake on the test! The back side of his arm is all marked up too! What a tropper to let me mark all over with make up =)
This past weekend UT kicked some Cowboys booty!!! and Aggies put 12 men on their field...that made my night right there...that and beating Billy in cards.

and yesterday went to Target and found the best isle EVER!!! Everything was 75% off and it was ridiculous how Brad and I were acting...like 5 year olds. It was their Halloween candies. Oh my gosh, everything was like all under a dollar. $0.50 or $0.60!!! LOOK =D
So 1.5 more weeks til Thanksgiving. Then two more weeks and my first semester of grad school will be over. Too bad there is some paper or presentation due every week and of course, finals!

This past weekend UT kicked some Cowboys booty!!! and Aggies put 12 men on their field...that made my night right there...that and beating Billy in cards.

So 1.5 more weeks til Thanksgiving. Then two more weeks and my first semester of grad school will be over. Too bad there is some paper or presentation due every week and of course, finals!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
If you know me, then you know I always have cravings. I usually crave for food in the middle of the night. and no, I am not pregnant. Actually my cravings haven't been all that bad which is strange since I live on an island that has not much of anything but seafood. Though last week, I was really wanting some Viet vermacelli noodles. Well thanks to John, I am now craving for some Pad Thai. Pad Thai at Nit Noi to be exact. Whoever brings me some Pad Thai, I will love you forever and ever. and my love means a lot guys...haha
I better get to bed or else I'll start thinking of other dishes I want!
Good night world.
I better get to bed or else I'll start thinking of other dishes I want!
Good night world.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Locked doors make for funny stories
I went to HEB here on the island today. Usually I wouldn't go here because this one is only a pantry and is really small and somewhat ghetto. But it actually served me well today since I bought like $77.00 worth of food and stuff. YEAH...$77.00! It wasn't all just for me, but only like $8 went to someone else. Seriously...I live by myself in a dorm room! haha...but you should see my freezer. It is stuffed to the top and as far out as it can go =) I am such a pig :0) May I not have to go back to the grocery store for the rest of the month unless it's for bread and milk.
I just talked to Leah. I saw her at HEB while I was checking out, and she said she spent a little more than me there. haha...she too lives by herself!
When I came back, I had to make two trips to bring everything up. I had to unlock the outside door to the dorm building since the police didn't unlock the doors today...strange. Well as I went down the second time, I didn't bring my keys with me because my dorm room was already unlocked. As I walked back to the door with my second load, I realized the door was locked!!! Oh my gosh, only like a minute passed by going up and down the stairs!!! haha...I started laughing and was like great...now what? Good thing Brad was in his room and decided to start throwing things at his window to get his attention. I went around to his side of the building and found a small but thick, broken tree branch and chunked it at his window. After I threw it, all this sand came down into my face...arggg. Haha...this is really funny if you were there watching me do all this. I was looking pretty ridiculous. Brad peeked thru his blinds but then went away, but then peeked thru them again. I was waving at him like some lunatic. I assumed he saw me, but it took awhile for him to get downstairs, so I started looking for something else to throw. Then I heard the door open. I think Brad thinks I'm weird. He should be flattered that a girl was throwing stuff at his window to get his attention...haha...annie moment. It is so fun to be me =)
maybe I find this story to be funnier than it really is...
I just talked to Leah. I saw her at HEB while I was checking out, and she said she spent a little more than me there. haha...she too lives by herself!
When I came back, I had to make two trips to bring everything up. I had to unlock the outside door to the dorm building since the police didn't unlock the doors today...strange. Well as I went down the second time, I didn't bring my keys with me because my dorm room was already unlocked. As I walked back to the door with my second load, I realized the door was locked!!! Oh my gosh, only like a minute passed by going up and down the stairs!!! haha...I started laughing and was like great...now what? Good thing Brad was in his room and decided to start throwing things at his window to get his attention. I went around to his side of the building and found a small but thick, broken tree branch and chunked it at his window. After I threw it, all this sand came down into my face...arggg. Haha...this is really funny if you were there watching me do all this. I was looking pretty ridiculous. Brad peeked thru his blinds but then went away, but then peeked thru them again. I was waving at him like some lunatic. I assumed he saw me, but it took awhile for him to get downstairs, so I started looking for something else to throw. Then I heard the door open. I think Brad thinks I'm weird. He should be flattered that a girl was throwing stuff at his window to get his attention...haha...annie moment. It is so fun to be me =)
maybe I find this story to be funnier than it really is...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
This is what my day looked like:
7:45 am wake up
9:00 am -4:00 pm played 5 football games with local Houston Korean churches
5:45 pm drove back to Galveston
6:30 pm UT vs Texas Tech football game
I am sooo tired, and I know for a fact that my body will be broken tomorrow. It already feels broken. I think I rolled my left ankle a little today while playing football. It's not feeling too hot right now. Oh my gosh, I don't thinkI have ever played that many games in one day before. Played 3 in a row, took a lunch break (I didn't eat because it took too long to get the food), and then played 2 more games after that. I still didn't do well catching the balls, but I made it up playing defense today, I think. Still got no hands for two weeks...what's wrong with me?!?!
BUT I wouldn't trade this kind of a day for anything!!! LOVED TODAY....beautiful and loved loved loved weather!
I also got to see Peggy, Doug, and Young! I got to see "a lot" of Peggy...haha...I think we all did! but man...she's one heck of a player! Got hands and speed and everything else. So proud of the girls today...they all played soo well! So Awesome =) and of course the guys played great as well!
7:45 am wake up
9:00 am -4:00 pm played 5 football games with local Houston Korean churches
5:45 pm drove back to Galveston
6:30 pm UT vs Texas Tech football game
I am sooo tired, and I know for a fact that my body will be broken tomorrow. It already feels broken. I think I rolled my left ankle a little today while playing football. It's not feeling too hot right now. Oh my gosh, I don't thinkI have ever played that many games in one day before. Played 3 in a row, took a lunch break (I didn't eat because it took too long to get the food), and then played 2 more games after that. I still didn't do well catching the balls, but I made it up playing defense today, I think. Still got no hands for two weeks...what's wrong with me?!?!
BUT I wouldn't trade this kind of a day for anything!!! LOVED TODAY....beautiful and loved loved loved weather!
I also got to see Peggy, Doug, and Young! I got to see "a lot" of Peggy...haha...I think we all did! but man...she's one heck of a player! Got hands and speed and everything else. So proud of the girls today...they all played soo well! So Awesome =) and of course the guys played great as well!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Huge Pot
I have an entire pot of spaghetti!!!
What to do what to do! I won't be able to eat it past Thursday. and I go back to Houston on Friday. Where are my boys that help me finish my food?!?!
I really wish I had a camera here to capture my pot of food. and to show you what my room looks like after midterms and mindful logs. it's a big, ugly mess!
What to do what to do! I won't be able to eat it past Thursday. and I go back to Houston on Friday. Where are my boys that help me finish my food?!?!
I really wish I had a camera here to capture my pot of food. and to show you what my room looks like after midterms and mindful logs. it's a big, ugly mess!
Monday, October 23, 2006
mmmfbloging as Leah would put it
It is absolutely GORGEOUS outside! SPECTACULAR weather! God did AWESOME today here in Galveston, and I am stuck inside because I didn't start my mindful logs earlier =( I told Trix that it is love outside...he probably thinks I'm crazy. I can't help that you have crappy weather on your island! I love this weather, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! So I think I am going to go outside now to play in it for a little while. This weather probably won't be here tomorrow because I do live in Texas. I am done with 8 of the 10 mindful logs. sad I'm not finished but that is pretty good for me. I feel like I should post them up on my blog since it's my reflexive thoughts for the past 2 days. arggg...I'm a nerd.
OK...I really need to get out of my room. Time to play =D
Frolicking around outside,
the "Queen of ADD" <--courtesy of Trix!
OK...I really need to get out of my room. Time to play =D
Frolicking around outside,
the "Queen of ADD" <--courtesy of Trix!
Ridiculousness weekend
Still working on these Mindful Logs for class.
I want to just shoot myself...
I nearly had a heart attack because of the Texas vs. Nebraska game on Saturday. Why must you do that to me Horns!!! but Way to go Bailey for winning the game =)
Also Saturday I played in the HCC football tournament with the Fighting Ichibans. I sucked it up big time...don't think I have ever played that horribly. I blame it on my lack of sleep that night. Must redeem myself in this coming weekend's football tourny.
Only not ridiculousness was Jamie's Birthday that night!
I want to just shoot myself...
I nearly had a heart attack because of the Texas vs. Nebraska game on Saturday. Why must you do that to me Horns!!! but Way to go Bailey for winning the game =)
Also Saturday I played in the HCC football tournament with the Fighting Ichibans. I sucked it up big time...don't think I have ever played that horribly. I blame it on my lack of sleep that night. Must redeem myself in this coming weekend's football tourny.
Only not ridiculousness was Jamie's Birthday that night!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
My first grad school week of blah is OVER...DONE!
and I survived.
Whether I did well or not is to be determined.
Today's test kicked me hard in the rear. My friend Leah said she made up
muscle names, and I probably did too. I mean I made them up during class
so there are chances we both made new muscles...those "delceps."
What irritated me the most were the people talking right outside the classroom door
when they were done. Seriously...that's just not nice! and to flaunt how well you
did when everyone else is looking bummed is also not nice. Shame shame for
bad manners...grrr...
oh well, what's done is done and I can't do anything about it.
Going to the gym to play some basketball or ram my head into the wall.
Whichever comes first....
Annie T Sylvester, OTS, "DNR" <--for Lauren
and I survived.
Whether I did well or not is to be determined.
Today's test kicked me hard in the rear. My friend Leah said she made up
muscle names, and I probably did too. I mean I made them up during class
so there are chances we both made new muscles...those "delceps."
What irritated me the most were the people talking right outside the classroom door
when they were done. Seriously...that's just not nice! and to flaunt how well you
did when everyone else is looking bummed is also not nice. Shame shame for
bad manners...grrr...
oh well, what's done is done and I can't do anything about it.
Going to the gym to play some basketball or ram my head into the wall.
Whichever comes first....
Annie T Sylvester, OTS, "DNR" <--for Lauren
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Dang she's OLD!
Today she turns 23...getting up there Grace! I hope you have a super fantastic birthday. Wish I could be there to celebrate with ya! Love ya...
*argg..can't find pic to post up! Must find one later**
*argg..can't find pic to post up! Must find one later**
Monday, October 16, 2006
I need HUGS. Lots and lots of HUGS.
I LOVE hugs on a daily basis but when I'm like this, I need more!
It's a comfort that I need when I'm stressing out.
Which is weird because it's not like I haven't ever taken 3 tests in a week before.
What's wrong with me! I'm acting like a lil girl who needs her daddy =/
By the way, it's still raining here...I may need a canoe to get to school tmrw.
I LOVE hugs on a daily basis but when I'm like this, I need more!
It's a comfort that I need when I'm stressing out.
Which is weird because it's not like I haven't ever taken 3 tests in a week before.
What's wrong with me! I'm acting like a lil girl who needs her daddy =/
By the way, it's still raining here...I may need a canoe to get to school tmrw.
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yes, I am procrasinating again!
I just finished dusting off my dresser top, tv, microwave, and refrigerator.
I am suppose to be studying for another class right now before I head off to Houston for Jersey and Tony's wedding. Yup...another wedding! Trix told me the other day that I should just become a professional wedding guest. I might as well, but I don't think I get paid for that. The bride and groom benefits from me being there instead! But...I do love weddings.

Before I go, for your viewing pleasure, pictures of us after cadaver lab on Friday. Don't we all look so wide awake?!?!

Friday, October 13, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Time to start baking?
Who wants to get plump?
Midterms area coming up...sigh
BUT Leah and I were good girls today and went to the lab room to work on the anatomy test that is NEXT Thursday. Too bad I have 2 tests Tuesday that I haven't started studying for. At least I studied something.
Midterms area coming up...sigh
BUT Leah and I were good girls today and went to the lab room to work on the anatomy test that is NEXT Thursday. Too bad I have 2 tests Tuesday that I haven't started studying for. At least I studied something.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A story for you...
Because I am procrastinating again, actually I just feel icky, I thought I take a break and post this. Hopefully this will give you a 'lil chuckle. Thanks Trix for letting me use you for my amusement! This is what happens when you're in med school and you study too much!
JasonChao (5:34:38 PM): i am a bit slow sometimes
lil nie 15 (5:38:06 PM): i know
JasonChao (5:39:05 PM): oy u know everything
lil nie 15 (5:43:54 PM): yup
JasonChao (5:44:29 PM): dork
JasonChao (5:45:18 PM): did i tell you my story?
JasonChao (5:45:28 PM): about wednesday night?
lil nie 15 (5:45:36 PM): wed night?
lil nie 15 (5:45:38 PM): not sure
JasonChao (5:45:42 PM): well
JasonChao (5:45:56 PM): i went out clubbing on wednesday night because exam was over
JasonChao (5:46:12 PM): i figured why not, ive been studying non stop
JasonChao (5:46:16 PM): so i went out
JasonChao (5:46:20 PM): got pretty drunk
JasonChao (5:46:29 PM): got back to my room stumbling
JasonChao (5:46:33 PM): it was dark
JasonChao (5:46:49 PM): so i was getting ready for bed
JasonChao (5:46:57 PM): kinda off balance
JasonChao (5:47:25 PM): anyways, i do this thing where i kinda half jump onto my bed
JasonChao (5:47:32 PM): expecting the bed was there
JasonChao (5:47:44 PM): next thing i know....BANG!
JasonChao (5:47:56 PM): both of my knees hit the tiled floor
JasonChao (5:48:31 PM): i woke up my roommate, who said, "dude, are you ok? u just missed your bed by 4 feet
lil nie 15 (5:48:42 PM): lol
lil nie 15 (5:48:45 PM): oh my gosh!!!
lil nie 15 (5:48:49 PM): you need to blog that
JasonChao (5:48:50 PM): i think i said, "i dont know, but my patella is hurting
lil nie 15 (5:48:53 PM): or im going to cut and paste it myself
lil nie 15 (5:49:03 PM): ahhhh
lil nie 15 (5:49:04 PM): lol
JasonChao (5:49:36 PM): lol
JasonChao (5:49:44 PM): u can do it
JasonChao (5:49:50 PM): i am telling you my story
JasonChao (5:49:52 PM): =)
JasonChao (5:51:52 PM): i said something about my patella ligament was hurting or patella, either way, it was the consquence of studying gross anatomy too much
lil nie 15 (5:57:39 PM): haha
btw, this is why you shouldn't get drunk. Bruises on each knee looks funny when you're walking around the Cayman Islands!
with me, everything is revolved around space and place, meaning & attachment of your space, place, & occupation. school stinks.
JasonChao (5:34:38 PM): i am a bit slow sometimes
lil nie 15 (5:38:06 PM): i know
JasonChao (5:39:05 PM): oy u know everything
lil nie 15 (5:43:54 PM): yup
JasonChao (5:44:29 PM): dork
JasonChao (5:45:18 PM): did i tell you my story?
JasonChao (5:45:28 PM): about wednesday night?
lil nie 15 (5:45:36 PM): wed night?
lil nie 15 (5:45:38 PM): not sure
JasonChao (5:45:42 PM): well
JasonChao (5:45:56 PM): i went out clubbing on wednesday night because exam was over
JasonChao (5:46:12 PM): i figured why not, ive been studying non stop
JasonChao (5:46:16 PM): so i went out
JasonChao (5:46:20 PM): got pretty drunk
JasonChao (5:46:29 PM): got back to my room stumbling
JasonChao (5:46:33 PM): it was dark
JasonChao (5:46:49 PM): so i was getting ready for bed
JasonChao (5:46:57 PM): kinda off balance
JasonChao (5:47:25 PM): anyways, i do this thing where i kinda half jump onto my bed
JasonChao (5:47:32 PM): expecting the bed was there
JasonChao (5:47:44 PM): next thing i know....BANG!
JasonChao (5:47:56 PM): both of my knees hit the tiled floor
JasonChao (5:48:31 PM): i woke up my roommate, who said, "dude, are you ok? u just missed your bed by 4 feet
lil nie 15 (5:48:42 PM): lol
lil nie 15 (5:48:45 PM): oh my gosh!!!
lil nie 15 (5:48:49 PM): you need to blog that
JasonChao (5:48:50 PM): i think i said, "i dont know, but my patella is hurting
lil nie 15 (5:48:53 PM): or im going to cut and paste it myself
lil nie 15 (5:49:03 PM): ahhhh
lil nie 15 (5:49:04 PM): lol
JasonChao (5:49:36 PM): lol
JasonChao (5:49:44 PM): u can do it
JasonChao (5:49:50 PM): i am telling you my story
JasonChao (5:49:52 PM): =)
JasonChao (5:51:52 PM): i said something about my patella ligament was hurting or patella, either way, it was the consquence of studying gross anatomy too much
lil nie 15 (5:57:39 PM): haha
btw, this is why you shouldn't get drunk. Bruises on each knee looks funny when you're walking around the Cayman Islands!
with me, everything is revolved around space and place, meaning & attachment of your space, place, & occupation. school stinks.
Monday, October 02, 2006
the Mondays
Just got back from Houston and unloading my car. Everytime I go home, I always bring back a bunch of stuff. My one car load of stuff (if I were to ever need to evacuate or move out quickly) has now turned into like 3 car loads. sigh.
Thought I give a quick update before I unpack my junk. First off, I haven't had time to post that I got to meet Yao Ming this past Tuesday! All I can say is that he is incredibly tall, and my 3 inch heels got me past his belly button =p I'm too tired to write more about it so if you want to read more go to Jason's site and look for the 9/27 post. You can also see the pictures of that night in his flickr.
This past weekend, Dave got married! More weddings! We drove to Dallas Friday night and crashed. Saturday was the wedding. It was a really nice day and the ceremony was beautiful. Luckily I don't ever seem to get tired of them, which is good seeing how my attendance at weddings is not going down any time soon. I do love them and hopefully I'll still love them when it's my turn! jk! I am excited to see my friends so happy. Next up is Jersey's in October =)
So it's 4:00p on Monday. I am a bit under the weather but hopefully it won't turn into anything big. Guess I played too much this weekend, or I just slept with wet hair under the AC vent =(
I need to get some work done now. Too much to read and write for tomorrow.
Thought I give a quick update before I unpack my junk. First off, I haven't had time to post that I got to meet Yao Ming this past Tuesday! All I can say is that he is incredibly tall, and my 3 inch heels got me past his belly button =p I'm too tired to write more about it so if you want to read more go to Jason's site and look for the 9/27 post. You can also see the pictures of that night in his flickr.
This past weekend, Dave got married! More weddings! We drove to Dallas Friday night and crashed. Saturday was the wedding. It was a really nice day and the ceremony was beautiful. Luckily I don't ever seem to get tired of them, which is good seeing how my attendance at weddings is not going down any time soon. I do love them and hopefully I'll still love them when it's my turn! jk! I am excited to see my friends so happy. Next up is Jersey's in October =)
So it's 4:00p on Monday. I am a bit under the weather but hopefully it won't turn into anything big. Guess I played too much this weekend, or I just slept with wet hair under the AC vent =(
I need to get some work done now. Too much to read and write for tomorrow.
Monday, September 25, 2006
reminder to self
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe. Philippians 2:14-15
Leah's Day
Yesterday was Leah's Birthday! I don't know why I didn't post it. Saturday night we took her to dinner in Kemah and then a little surprise at her place afterwards. I had a really great time. I hope you did too, Leah!
I probably shouldn't even be complaining or voicing my opinion because if anything I should have spoken to the manager at Office Depot about this anyway. But I just wanted to say I am really frustrated at the one guy that works there. I drove all the way to the other side of the island, yes it's really not that far but it still takes a good 15 minutes or so, to find that he couldn't find the printer that he said he had anywhere in the store. The only one he could find was the one on display after he told me yesterday there was one left, which I asked him to hold for me. This morning I called before I left to make sure it was still there and he said yes he will have it for me when I got there. Well I got there and found him and said I was the one that called to pick up the printer. He goes ok, I know I have two (what?!?! you said 1 yesterday, no matter I still get one). Well we go looking around, strange he said he have it for me. Then he says well I can't find it but we have the display one you can have. I ask him if I get a discount bc it's on display. He said no. So he said he's going to check in the back. After all this, I come back empty handed!!! Seriously, I wouldn't have down there if they didn't have one. Oh well, I probably should have told the manager and get his booty in trouble, but I don't do confrontations like that well. I'll cry like a lil baby, and I don't like it when ppl see that! Where my friends when I need them?!?! hehe...
oh, on top of all that. I check my email when I get back and find that UTMB has charged the Allied Health students incorrectly for tuition. They charged us $60 per hour instead of $70. Who makes mistakes like that! If they are so tight on money, don't you think that would have been checked more than once? Seriously...
haha...what a way to start out my Monday. Got up early for nothing. I'm off to the admin building to get my work set up and to the library. wow...I'm going to the library!
mood: frustrated, hopefully it will get better bc it's still early in the day!
oh, on top of all that. I check my email when I get back and find that UTMB has charged the Allied Health students incorrectly for tuition. They charged us $60 per hour instead of $70. Who makes mistakes like that! If they are so tight on money, don't you think that would have been checked more than once? Seriously...
haha...what a way to start out my Monday. Got up early for nothing. I'm off to the admin building to get my work set up and to the library. wow...I'm going to the library!
mood: frustrated, hopefully it will get better bc it's still early in the day!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hook 'Em
My other drawing that I got is this one from Jason! I really wish I could hang it up but its framed all nicely and I dont have a hook to hang it up. So it sits on my table against the wall. My room is looking somewhat better! Send me more pictures, thanks =p
I'm currently watching the UT vs Iowa Sate game by myself...sad

I've Got Mail!!!
whooohooo...I was really excited to open my mailbox and find 2 letters instead of just 1. I have been waiting for my parents to send me my SS card so I can start work and get paid. When I opened my mailbox this morning there was an extra something! I was stinkin' excited especially since it wasn't a bill but a drawing from Sungjin =) I like my drawing very much Sungjin. It fits nicely in the "Land of OT." I like it lots! Here it is for y'alls viewing pleasure!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Last Sunday was our first IM Football game. It took me a long time to get use to the rules and what not here. We tied the first game and won the second game so technically we are undefeated!
It is suppose to be co-ed football but it is not really enforced. The second game we played was all guys...tall, fast guys! But we beat them anyway =) and look at me!!!
It's on the other side of the field and players kinda blocked the viewing but it kinda works! BUT I sooo miss UT IMs...
It is suppose to be co-ed football but it is not really enforced. The second game we played was all guys...tall, fast guys! But we beat them anyway =) and look at me!!!
It's on the other side of the field and players kinda blocked the viewing but it kinda works! BUT I sooo miss UT IMs...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Amazing Race
Whooohooo...its the first episode of the Amazing Race! As most of you know, I love, love, love this show. So the first stop is in China and they have to eat fish eyes! Haha...I dont eat fish eyes and its an Asian thing to do.
Man, for some reason my laptop wont let me use the apostrophe. When I hit it, it goes to search document thing. How do I fix this problem? Its really strange.
Man, for some reason my laptop wont let me use the apostrophe. When I hit it, it goes to search document thing. How do I fix this problem? Its really strange.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Last night I went out for the first time in Galveston. Took me long enough, but I have yet to be here on a weekend. and Thursdays I'm usually behind in readings so I don't go. Anyway, we had lots of fun last night at Buskers. We were suppose to go to the Lounge here, but no one really wanted to pay to get in. We think we had to. The is important thing is we had a blast last night, and amazingly, only one went home drunk! Thanks Brad for driving 4 girls there, to Whataburger afterwards, taking someone home, and back! Although, I don't think you minded having us HOT ladies around! haha...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
First Graded Assignment in Grad School
and week 3 of school has begun...I took my first quiz today. I thought I did decently, pulling answers from here and there. I knew they weren't exactly the right terms used but close enough. I actually wrote more than I thought I would. but then we got to the going over the answers. Yeah...I'm not quite sure if I got any right anymore =( Funny thing is, when I read, I take notes. The answers to the questions I had written down in my notes. I vote for open notes quiz next time! What a sad way to start off the week to have already followed a sad weekend.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Saturday, September 09, 2006
No words can express how Extremely, Extremely Angry I am right now.
Where they heck were we during the game?
Where they heck were we during the game?
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rosenberg Elementary
I did my interview this morning at the elementary school to work there. I left at like 7:45a and was parked by 7:55a. So I sat in the car falling asleep til 8:20a. Geez, who knew there would be parking around the school bc when I drove by yesterday, there wasn't any spots. So hopefully my work study will work for this, and I start getting paid and get credit for my Interdisciplinary (program that ALL students have to do to graduate). and I also called for a coordinating job on campus if the other doesn't work. or I'll just work BOTH jobs since I would like to have some sort of money in my acct. Anyway, the interview lasted like 20 min. I told them I wanted to tutor math or help out in a math classroom AND their READING PROGRAM. Yes, their reading program afterschool. yeah, seeing how I love to read, I think I just boobooed myself into something I not particularly great in.
Alright, it's time for class. I have anatomy and some other rather long class title that I'm not sure about. I also have a group meeting with my advisor during my 1 hour lunch break.
Have a spectacular day everyone =p
Alright, it's time for class. I have anatomy and some other rather long class title that I'm not sure about. I also have a group meeting with my advisor during my 1 hour lunch break.
Have a spectacular day everyone =p
Day off
I did good today! I got a lot of stuff done =)
I woke up early and got my Hep B titer done to make sure I don't have it. For some reason when I got my series, they didn't do one after. Went to target and home depot. I really wish they made over the door towel racks that fit thicker doors! I'm tired of my towels being on a hanger. So I came back with nothing. Made lunch and ate it, made dinner but ended up not eating it for dinner. I'll just bring it for lunch tmrw. The most amazing thing though was I finished reading everything for tmrw by 4:00p. I was proud of myself. Usually I would have put it off til tonight. Then I thought about starting on Friday and next week's stuff since I'm going to be in Austin this weekend. But then the normal Annie kicked in and didn't read. Instead, I went to dinner with Leah and Brad. Then to Leah's to watch tennis/Grey's season finale and make cookies! Oh well, at least I thought about getting ahead. Haha...
Tmrw I have an interview at the elementary school for a job.
Yay, hopefully I'll soon be getting a paycheck =D
I woke up early and got my Hep B titer done to make sure I don't have it. For some reason when I got my series, they didn't do one after. Went to target and home depot. I really wish they made over the door towel racks that fit thicker doors! I'm tired of my towels being on a hanger. So I came back with nothing. Made lunch and ate it, made dinner but ended up not eating it for dinner. I'll just bring it for lunch tmrw. The most amazing thing though was I finished reading everything for tmrw by 4:00p. I was proud of myself. Usually I would have put it off til tonight. Then I thought about starting on Friday and next week's stuff since I'm going to be in Austin this weekend. But then the normal Annie kicked in and didn't read. Instead, I went to dinner with Leah and Brad. Then to Leah's to watch tennis/Grey's season finale and make cookies! Oh well, at least I thought about getting ahead. Haha...
Tmrw I have an interview at the elementary school for a job.
Yay, hopefully I'll soon be getting a paycheck =D
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I should be reading
Reading sucks!
I don't think, actually I know, I have never read so much for school EVER in my life.
Welcome to grad school Annie...I'm a sucka =(
At least it's something that I really, really want to do, RIGHT NOW!
If all else fails, I'll just become a wedding coordinator.
Been to them and done them so many times.
But I'll only do it for nice people. I've seen some crazy brides...haha!
I'm just going to have a vegas wedding after all that...jk!
Back to my readings that I can't remember anything about...
I don't think, actually I know, I have never read so much for school EVER in my life.
Welcome to grad school Annie...I'm a sucka =(
At least it's something that I really, really want to do, RIGHT NOW!
If all else fails, I'll just become a wedding coordinator.
Been to them and done them so many times.
But I'll only do it for nice people. I've seen some crazy brides...haha!
I'm just going to have a vegas wedding after all that...jk!
Back to my readings that I can't remember anything about...
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Meet my new OT friends! They are absolutely the best, well at least for now when we haven't killed each other yet bc we spend almost 24/7 with one another...jk! We had met each other during orientation and been pals since =D
I had made some chicken enchiladas in my dorm kitchen so they came to eat plus Brad and Tanner, whom both live down the hall from me. They're 2nd year PTs. I had a great time eating and chating and just chillin' out! Jamie called this our dysfunctional dinner, then she says WE ARE DYSFUNCTIONAL! I don't disagree...
But now it's time for me to read my last chapter before tmrw. I am actually pretty proud of myself for reading this much already. Undergrad, I just skipped the reading and made it through. I don't see that happening here so I must be a nerd!
I had made some chicken enchiladas in my dorm kitchen so they came to eat plus Brad and Tanner, whom both live down the hall from me. They're 2nd year PTs. I had a great time eating and chating and just chillin' out! Jamie called this our dysfunctional dinner, then she says WE ARE DYSFUNCTIONAL! I don't disagree...
But now it's time for me to read my last chapter before tmrw. I am actually pretty proud of myself for reading this much already. Undergrad, I just skipped the reading and made it through. I don't see that happening here so I must be a nerd!
Shots suck
TD shots hurts my arm =(
I want to just cut it off right now!
This morning I went to the hospital (Wellness Center) to get my TD shot and blood work done. Well I thought they took credit card, but they don't. So I only had enough cash for my TD shot. sigh. I have to go back next Wednesday to get my blood drawn. aiya.
I want to just cut it off right now!
This morning I went to the hospital (Wellness Center) to get my TD shot and blood work done. Well I thought they took credit card, but they don't. So I only had enough cash for my TD shot. sigh. I have to go back next Wednesday to get my blood drawn. aiya.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Little Miss Sunshine

GREGORY GYM, oh how I miss thee
I went to the gym tonight for the first time here...I SOOOOO SOOOO MISS GREGORY!!!
I don't know if there is another gym like the GREG anywhere, I am sure there is, just not here.
Here they call it the Fieldhouse, so I will probably refer to the gym as the Fieldhouse from now on. Anyway, it's not bad really. One huge court for basketball that is divided up so that you can play more than one game at a time (kinda like the rec at UT). What's cool though is each treadmill has its own tv right in front and on one side of treadmills, there is a fan for each one too! Not much else. It looks big on the outside, but not so inside. Oooo, they provide towels too so that is cool! All in all it's not too bad for a work out place. Now if only I can get a routine going, I'd be good!
I don't know if there is another gym like the GREG anywhere, I am sure there is, just not here.
Here they call it the Fieldhouse, so I will probably refer to the gym as the Fieldhouse from now on. Anyway, it's not bad really. One huge court for basketball that is divided up so that you can play more than one game at a time (kinda like the rec at UT). What's cool though is each treadmill has its own tv right in front and on one side of treadmills, there is a fan for each one too! Not much else. It looks big on the outside, but not so inside. Oooo, they provide towels too so that is cool! All in all it's not too bad for a work out place. Now if only I can get a routine going, I'd be good!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Orientation Day 3
...was really short. Kinda makes me irritated since they should have just added more stuff to today instead of us being done by 11:30A and having a free afternoon. I rather just end early and have free time at the end of all that. One more day to go and tmrw is the longest day of them all!!!
So we were done at 11:30 today and was greeted with pouring rain as we walked outside. Hm...I must have missed the umbrella memo bc I didn't bring one and so many other people did! The girls I was with, Leah, Jamie, & Lauren all had one. They're also the ones I have been hanging out with, all of us in the OT program. They're fun! I squeezed under Lauren's umbrella with her and went to get my student parking pass. $35 to park on campus (cheap!), but it is first come first serve. I really only go it for nights when I come to campus. The streets here flood so parking kinds sucks anyway. I think I am going to put in for a parking garage next year. We'll see how it goes and where I'll be living. We had lunch in the hospital cafeteria, Chikafila yum! It was crazy busy in there and we ended up just siting at a table where someone had put there stuff down. and we met them when they came back! They were pretty cool and didn't care that we decided to join their party.
My financial aid money also came in today!!! I was really excited when I checked my bank account this morning. So I paid for tuition, dorm room, and my books. Oh geez my books. So they're all new and all expensive, of course. But the sad thing was, it was raining again as I left the bookstore. They put all 6 books in a paper bag that I had to carry all the way back to my room. By the time I got back, my arms are soooo swoo0lleee!!! haha...the bad also had holes at the bottom and about to break loose. Good thing I was home and wet. Yay for my day of rain. I need to invest in rain boots.
So we were done at 11:30 today and was greeted with pouring rain as we walked outside. Hm...I must have missed the umbrella memo bc I didn't bring one and so many other people did! The girls I was with, Leah, Jamie, & Lauren all had one. They're also the ones I have been hanging out with, all of us in the OT program. They're fun! I squeezed under Lauren's umbrella with her and went to get my student parking pass. $35 to park on campus (cheap!), but it is first come first serve. I really only go it for nights when I come to campus. The streets here flood so parking kinds sucks anyway. I think I am going to put in for a parking garage next year. We'll see how it goes and where I'll be living. We had lunch in the hospital cafeteria, Chikafila yum! It was crazy busy in there and we ended up just siting at a table where someone had put there stuff down. and we met them when they came back! They were pretty cool and didn't care that we decided to join their party.
My financial aid money also came in today!!! I was really excited when I checked my bank account this morning. So I paid for tuition, dorm room, and my books. Oh geez my books. So they're all new and all expensive, of course. But the sad thing was, it was raining again as I left the bookstore. They put all 6 books in a paper bag that I had to carry all the way back to my room. By the time I got back, my arms are soooo swoo0lleee!!! haha...the bad also had holes at the bottom and about to break loose. Good thing I was home and wet. Yay for my day of rain. I need to invest in rain boots.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Orientation Day 2
Today was sooo much better than yesterday. This morning we met as all the Allied Health Students and then we split up into our respective fields. It was the first time all the OTs got together and forever we will be together for the next 2 years! I think there are about 30-33 people in my class. So far, we've the largest Masters acceptance class. UTMB just changed their program to a MS degree a couple years ago. The first Masters graduating class just happen this summer!
So we broke off and met our faculty for the next year, the four professors that we will have for the next year. They seem pretty nice, however, there is one that is pretty intimidating. Her students call her The Vixen, and she knows it, and she says she likes it AND she really does live up to that name. oh GREAT! She's going to be teaching Philosophy History Ways of Knowing 1st semester...sounds so..... so they talked and we listened. I found out that they already registered for us this semester so we don't really have to worry about it. My question is why do we have to register ourselves the rest of the time when we have our classes set already? Can they not just do it for us because it's not as if we had a choice in what to take or who to take it with! This is what this semester will look like:
This is your schedule information for Fall 2006.
WOW! No classes Monday and Wednesday, and Friday I am done at noon. This is the least number of days and hours I have ever had, even during my undergrad! but I am also scared that this means, more outside work. I know we have projects and I hear crazy reading assignments. We'll see how it goes. If it's ok, then I'm going to pick up a part time job. I figured out my most my finances for the semester and I can use the extra money. But as the semesters continue, more classes and hours are added.
oh yeah, we took our ID pics today. The girls I was with kept making me laugh so we'll see how it turns out! It's our pic that will follow us for the rest of our days here. I think we also have to wear our ID badge everywhere we go. It accesses everything around here. More later!
So we broke off and met our faculty for the next year, the four professors that we will have for the next year. They seem pretty nice, however, there is one that is pretty intimidating. Her students call her The Vixen, and she knows it, and she says she likes it AND she really does live up to that name. oh GREAT! She's going to be teaching Philosophy History Ways of Knowing 1st semester...sounds so..... so they talked and we listened. I found out that they already registered for us this semester so we don't really have to worry about it. My question is why do we have to register ourselves the rest of the time when we have our classes set already? Can they not just do it for us because it's not as if we had a choice in what to take or who to take it with! This is what this semester will look like:
This is your schedule information for Fall 2006.
Course ID | Course Title | Credit Hours | Begin Date | End Date | Campus | Days / Time / Building / Room | |||||||||||||
| Occupational Influences | 2.0 | 08-28-06 | 12-08-06 | University of Texas Medical Branch |
| |||||||||||||
| Phil Hist Ways of Knowing | 2.0 | 08-28-06 | 12-08-06 | University of Texas Medical Branch |
| |||||||||||||
| Environmental Influences | 2.0 | 08-28-06 | 12-08-06 | University of Texas Medical Branch |
| |||||||||||||
| Anatomical Influences | 3.0 | 08-28-06 | 12-08-06 | University of Texas Medical Branch |
WOW! No classes Monday and Wednesday, and Friday I am done at noon. This is the least number of days and hours I have ever had, even during my undergrad! but I am also scared that this means, more outside work. I know we have projects and I hear crazy reading assignments. We'll see how it goes. If it's ok, then I'm going to pick up a part time job. I figured out my most my finances for the semester and I can use the extra money. But as the semesters continue, more classes and hours are added.
oh yeah, we took our ID pics today. The girls I was with kept making me laugh so we'll see how it turns out! It's our pic that will follow us for the rest of our days here. I think we also have to wear our ID badge everywhere we go. It accesses everything around here. More later!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
My new travel companion =D

My new duffle bag or whatever you call it! I love it...it's huge, well huge enough for me to take back and forth from Galveston to Houston or to wherever for the weekend! It even has this sitting pad you can pull out to sit on so you don't have to sit on the ground. That I probably would never use bc it's a pain to put back, but I'll definitely be using up all the other spacious spaces it has! So now my Nike bag that has served me for almost 10 years now, yes its been that long and it still works great, will be my gym bag.
Monday, August 14, 2006

Sachin and Patrick...whom I haven't seen since graduation! oh geez, I've missed these guys.

Patrick's face got owned by Victor

Last but not least, THANKS guys for coming with me so I wouldn't have to go alone =)
More pics here
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Happy BIrthday MOM!
hm...we were suppose to take her to dinner tonight, but they were tired from being out all day. Plus they had to be at church at 6:30. So we'll go tmrw night. Anet go pack tonight so we can eat tmrw!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Becky Ju...
I've known this girl forever, well since the 6th grade. I think we had homeroom together and maybe another class. I can't remember! I know I'm posting this kind of late in the day but...
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