Thursday, November 30, 2006

Brrrrr on the island

It's funny how I have always have a hard time writing papers, but when I'm blogging there's not much of a problem. Obviously, it's because this is by choice, and I pretty much just type exactly what's in my head. That's also another problem. Sometimes I talk like I'm FOB.

So I am still cranking out this paper that is due tomorrow at 4pm. That's in 23 hours and 45 mins...shoot I have lots of time! haha. I've been working on this all week, and the prof was right, should have started this earlier. For once I have not been able to complete a research paper in 5 days. I don't think it has taken me this long before. All the papers I have had to turn in earlier in the semester didn't take me this long. This paper isn't all that different from others ones. Oh well. It's the end of the semester. I don't regret taking the entire week of Thanksgiving and doing nothing. It was good for my mental health.

Texas weather is weird. I am freezing in my room. I wonder if it's colder outside or inside. I knew the weather would drop like 30 degrees from morning to night, but the weatherman was slightly off with his timing. It wasn't suppose to get cold until 2 or 3 today. I went to school in jeans and a thin long sleeves. I was burning up as I walked to class this morning and was even sweating a lil. During class you can see it get windy, but if you touched the window it wasn't cold yet. Come 11:30 as I was going home, it was FREEZING!!! It got cold and extremely windy and my toes didn't want to grasp onto my flip flops! I absolutely love cold weather. I much rather be cold than hot, but my body hates cold weather. I have poor circulation and low blood pressure. It's normal for me, but not normal to the normal people. My body cannot adjust to the cold weather. It just never warms up unless I have millions of layers on me. Two years ago when I was in NY, I would have on all these clothes and my puffer and still be cold until I walk inside. Now I don't want to do anything even more except go lie under my covers. Until then, I'll just have layers of clothes on and fuzzy slippers I got from An earlier this semester =)

Oh geez, I can smell the cigarette smoke from down the hall. I wonder how he gets away with smoking in his room. I guess I better get back to my paper. Sorry, random.

Before I forget, I got pooped on by those loud black birds that gather around my dorm in the evenings. At least I was coming back from the fieldhouse and not going to it. Things from nowhere like to land on me. It wasn't that much, but it made my night!

Now back to my occupation paper on mothering. I should frame this paper since I am putting so much time into it!


adameepoo said...

its -20 degF here and i got to go out on a job. maybe i'll see your dad out there working on those oil machines ^^

Jason Wu said...

omgosh stop blogging and get back to work