Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day off

I did good today! I got a lot of stuff done =)
I woke up early and got my Hep B titer done to make sure I don't have it. For some reason when I got my series, they didn't do one after. Went to target and home depot. I really wish they made over the door towel racks that fit thicker doors! I'm tired of my towels being on a hanger. So I came back with nothing. Made lunch and ate it, made dinner but ended up not eating it for dinner. I'll just bring it for lunch tmrw. The most amazing thing though was I finished reading everything for tmrw by 4:00p. I was proud of myself. Usually I would have put it off til tonight. Then I thought about starting on Friday and next week's stuff since I'm going to be in Austin this weekend. But then the normal Annie kicked in and didn't read. Instead, I went to dinner with Leah and Brad. Then to Leah's to watch tennis/Grey's season finale and make cookies! Oh well, at least I thought about getting ahead. Haha...

Tmrw I have an interview at the elementary school for a job.
Yay, hopefully I'll soon be getting a paycheck =D

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