Monday, January 23, 2006

They grow up so fast...


After an AWESOME GAME and WIN at GLORYFIST (yay RED TEAM!), we went to play broomball with EPIC

A tribute to Anet...this is what happens when you make her angry!

We will be celebrating her birthday Saturday Evening...come out and play!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

a lil' something

It's been awhile, hasn't it? When I first started, I didn't (and so did most people) think I would post for more than a week.
Anyway, classes have started and so has the job hunting. I'll be back soon, but here's a lil' something to hold you over.

Thanks Gary!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

On-Going Celebration!

All around campus, the Drag, and the Co-op is still nuts!!! Buying shirts or anything for that matter is still crazy. I finally came out with a shirt yesterday. It's not what I wanted but it will have to do for now. I'll be back there again!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

National Champions!!!


Who said we couldn't win...who had doubts (*ahem* I won't name any Texas fans either)?!?! All you ESPN commentators who kept dogging on TEXAS over and over again. We showed you tonight...SUCKERS!!! and where were you, Reggie Bush, Mr. Heisman? You did NOTHING tonight, except maybe that funky lateral! haha...if anything Lyndel White was your man tonight! but who cares because TEXAS won, we won, we won!
I started getting a headache at the end of the game because I wasn't breathing. Depriving my brain of oxygen. It was just so exciting, so awesome, so crazy, so incredible, not enough time to breathe! My heart had several missed beat during the last 3 minutes of the game. After the game, Adam, Jason, Sungjin, and I went to the drag and the Co-op. Man, was it nuts out there! Cars honking, people screaming (including me!), cops every where! I wanted to go out to 6th but that would not be a good idea. We couldn't buy shirts because there were no more sizes and the lines were forever long. No prob, I'll be back tomorrow. TEXAS is #1...hands down. I don't know if I can go to sleep tonight, the adrenaline is still going. I hope I can last at work tomorrow. I haven't worked in 4 months nor have I woken up before 8:30 am. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.


Say hello to Kaitlin, future Longhorn!

Good night!



Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I'm soo excited! I wish 7:00 would hurry and come!
On my way to Austin soon. My old boss needed help and since I have nothing else to do and need some money, I'll be working there again. I am wanted!!!
If you're there, play with me, after work of course :)

Bowls of Champions

Wow...the Orange Bowl just ended...what a game! Triple overtime before Penn State pulled out the win with a field goal. Finally someone made it :O Gosh it was a long game.

On to something that matters MOST.....

I am so nervous right now, and I want to be in Pasadena so bad...ack!
I hope the game is as exciting as the FSU/Penn State game, with a Texas win to seal it :p
I'm driving to Austin tomorrow so hopefully I'll get some sleep. I wonder if the players are as nervous as I am. I can't wait!


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Bad Elmo, Bad Sesame Street

I have the best luck in the world...just another story about my life!
The week of Christmas I found a book for Kaitlin (Kevin and My-An's daughter, close friends of mine) about potty training since she's potty training. It's called Potty Time with Elmo, really cute book with pictures that you push that make sounds and Elmo talks. Well, I was out of Houston when I bought it and other things have happened since then (that will be my next entry), and I never got a chance to bring it to her. Good thing though (I guess this can be where my luck is actually good) because Jason sent me this link about the book: (click on the video link)
After I watched it, I was like no way the book I got said that. WRONG! I should have known that the book I picked up would say that. sigh. Elmo is suppose to say "Uh-oh! Who has to go?" My copy says, "Uh-oh (giggle) who wants to die?" HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE. I even had Annette listen to it. She couldn't really make out all of what Elmo was saying, but she specifically said it had the word die in it! WOW! Seriously, what kind of sick person would do this?
The video says there have been several complaints, so they really should do a recall on these books! Back to Wal-Mart I go, and I'm going to tell them they should go through the books and pull the bad ones out or just take them all off the racks! Publication must not have paid attention, but then again, it's a bit hard to go through thousands of books to check for something you don't really know what you're checking for. I'm too tired to keep going. It has been a long day, and I have to wake up early tomorrow morning. Yay for day 2 of the new year! night.