Because I am procrasinating on my bazillion pages of reading for class, I thought I tell you about this movie I saw this weekend. Actually I won't say much except,
GO WATCH LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE!!! It is the best movie I have seen this year! It may possibly be my favorite for 2006. People describe it as a movie about a dysfunctional family, but man it's more like families today. I think it is more normal, everyday situations that any of us may or may have encountered. For the most part, you can relate to someone or to some scenario at any time during the movie. I teared here and there, but I won't tell you why. You'll know when you watch it. So GO!

I'm suprised you liked it and I'm even more suprised we agreed on what the movie was about. I think this is the first time we agreed on anything. I'm glad you liked it.
I'm glad you and I agreed on something. It's about time. I thought we go through the rest of our lives arguing about everything. but yea, I really, really liked this movie.
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