Sunday, October 29, 2006

Locked doors make for funny stories

I went to HEB here on the island today. Usually I wouldn't go here because this one is only a pantry and is really small and somewhat ghetto. But it actually served me well today since I bought like $77.00 worth of food and stuff. YEAH...$77.00! It wasn't all just for me, but only like $8 went to someone else. Seriously...I live by myself in a dorm room! haha...but you should see my freezer. It is stuffed to the top and as far out as it can go =) I am such a pig :0) May I not have to go back to the grocery store for the rest of the month unless it's for bread and milk.
I just talked to Leah. I saw her at HEB while I was checking out, and she said she spent a little more than me there. haha...she too lives by herself!

When I came back, I had to make two trips to bring everything up. I had to unlock the outside door to the dorm building since the police didn't unlock the doors today...strange. Well as I went down the second time, I didn't bring my keys with me because my dorm room was already unlocked. As I walked back to the door with my second load, I realized the door was locked!!! Oh my gosh, only like a minute passed by going up and down the stairs!!! haha...I started laughing and was like what? Good thing Brad was in his room and decided to start throwing things at his window to get his attention. I went around to his side of the building and found a small but thick, broken tree branch and chunked it at his window. After I threw it, all this sand came down into my face...arggg. Haha...this is really funny if you were there watching me do all this. I was looking pretty ridiculous. Brad peeked thru his blinds but then went away, but then peeked thru them again. I was waving at him like some lunatic. I assumed he saw me, but it took awhile for him to get downstairs, so I started looking for something else to throw. Then I heard the door open. I think Brad thinks I'm weird. He should be flattered that a girl was throwing stuff at his window to get his attention...haha...annie moment. It is so fun to be me =)

maybe I find this story to be funnier than it really is...


sunny said...

Reading this reminds me of the many moments how when you're done finishing telling the story I just look at you and tries to cough up a chuckle. Usually everyone one else is usually is nice enough to play along.

FUNG! said...

lol this sounds so much like annie