has been awhile since I wrote something important. School has somewhat taken over life at the moment. BUT I am excited that I have an entire week of Thanksgiving off because we got our classes moved to the week before. Except that meant that my presenation/project is now due earlier and I lost the weekend to work on it. I guess that's a trade off...

So here is here is a glimpse of what I did last week. I had an anatomy test to study for and this is how I studied...I was drawing my origins and insertions of the forearm muscles on Brad. and I made a slight mistake while drawing. But didn't make that mistake on the test! The back side of his arm is all marked up too! What a tropper to let me mark all over with make up =)
This past weekend UT kicked some Cowboys booty!!! and Aggies put 12 men on their field...that made my night right there...that and beating Billy in cards.

and yesterday went to Target and found the best isle EVER!!! Everything was 75% off and it was ridiculous how Brad and I were 5 year olds. It was their Halloween candies. Oh my gosh, everything was like all under a dollar. $0.50 or $0.60!!! LOOK =D
So 1.5 more weeks til Thanksgiving. Then two more weeks and my first semester of grad school will be over. Too bad there is some paper or presentation due every week and of course, finals!
i cant believe you got all those candy
The best isle ever is at Target? Which aisle is it at?
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