Monday, October 23, 2006

mmmfbloging as Leah would put it

It is absolutely GORGEOUS outside! SPECTACULAR weather! God did AWESOME today here in Galveston, and I am stuck inside because I didn't start my mindful logs earlier =( I told Trix that it is love outside...he probably thinks I'm crazy. I can't help that you have crappy weather on your island! I love this weather, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! So I think I am going to go outside now to play in it for a little while. This weather probably won't be here tomorrow because I do live in Texas. I am done with 8 of the 10 mindful logs. sad I'm not finished but that is pretty good for me. I feel like I should post them up on my blog since it's my reflexive thoughts for the past 2 days. arggg...I'm a nerd.
OK...I really need to get out of my room. Time to play =D

Frolicking around outside,
the "Queen of ADD" <--courtesy of Trix!


Anonymous said...

come to seattle and you get good weather everyday =)

My so called Life said...

oy, i am up late to study for this f***** embryology test. I used astrieks because of your PG-13 ears. You are not old enough to hear strong language with sexual content, you need parental discretion, a chaperon perhaps. I have no idea what I just wrote or the point of it. You get my drift or do you?