Friday, December 28, 2007
What's in Iowa?!?!
Hm...we traveled to Dubuque, IA today. It took forever because we ended up on all these tiny, tiny roads that were going through neighborhoods with snow piled up on both sides of the itty, bitty roads we were on! Never thought we come out but eventually we did.
I did get to catch the second half of the Texas game...w00t! I thought I was going to miss it and miss out on all the action that was happening on the field! Finally an exciting game to watch! I wish I saw the stepson in action as it was happening. But in the replays, I don't think he did touch it. They only showed one angle...We won anyways so it doesn't matter! I still think Mack's stepson is looked like something I would do too if I were on the sidelines where he was!
Time to attempt to go to sleep. I'm still wound up from the game! Pray that I don't break any bones tomorrow in my first attempt ever to be in snow and snowboarding =)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
TEXAS vs ASU 7pm ESPN (We should be in the hotel by then so I can watch!)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
War wound
Scene: Teachers' workroom at Rosenberg Elementary
Scenario: I was cutting paper to make block letters for the kids. Knowing myself and working with paper, I tend to get paper cuts. So I am carefully working with all of this stuff. Well, I'm at the paper cutter, and I get tired of standing up. I sit down to cut the rest of the sheets into 4. Somehow, someway I get a cut. Guess where?!?! NOT a paper cut on my finger, BUT I get a cut on my right, medial side of my deltoids! At first I look at it, and it seemed to just be a small scrap. However, when I look down at it a few minutes later, I have blood coming out of my arm! Ahhh...are you kidding me!!! Geez, Annie! So I guess what happened was...when I was sitting down, I leaned too far forward to make sure the paper was lined up correctly, and then I brought the big handle with the sheer down. The end of the sheer caught my deltoids! Ridiculous! Who cuts themselves with a paper cutter on the shoulder area?!?!
Here's my war wound! 1/4 inch shy of being 2 inches long!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Houston's First Baptist Church
You are invited to “A Christmastime of Worship” with Pastor Gregg and Christian recording artists Shane & Shane and Bethany Dillon on Sunday, December 9, from 6:30–8:00 PM at Ascend in the HFBC Worship Center.
Anyone want to come, let me know! We can sit together...yay =)
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Champions again!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Welcome Home!
It all started with calling the hospital on my way into Houston this afternoon. After asking the nurse to be transferred to the nurse in charge of bed #3 (the usual request) she said no one is in charge of #3. I said what? and asked for Jason. She said he wasn't there. I got so confused and had no idea what had happened. I asked her what happened to the patient in bed 3. OH! she says! He got moved to another floor (sigh of relief, I thought something bad had happened!) I got transferred to his room, and today's conversation went so much better than the last two this past week with him. First of all, he knows that I'm an OT to be not a nurse to be! An OT saw him, that is what brought this portion of the conversation up. I think I had confused him the last time on that one! He was less loopy this time and the entire conversation made sense =) Awesome! Then Jason goes, "guess what? I'm coming home!" I said really, where is home (just making sure he doesn't think he's going to China!)? He says Texas. I go are you sure, you're not just messing with me are you? At this point I really didn't know because this past week his dad said he didn't know how much longer it would be before Jason got to go back to Arlington. So I asked Jason to put him mom on the phone. It's not like I didn't believe him, I just wanted to make sure! His mom confirmed it, and Jason got back on the phone and laughed at me. Haha...I did too but I didn't want to get all excited and it wasn't going to happen. So Jason will be back home in Arlington where his family and friends are. Being home is going to be so much better for him and his parents!
Jason has said he can't wait to see everyone, but has asked that you give him some time to rest and settle in. He is doing much better, but tires quickly still. I know everyone, me too, can't wait to see him. So just wait a few days before bombarding him!
Jason, I can't come to see you right now, but I'll be in Coppell in 1.5 weeks for Thanksgiving, and I will see you then! I can't wait =)
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Good night
Friday, November 02, 2007
What a way to start the weekend!
Anyway, like I said we weren't on the phone long. I don't think he was suppose to even be on the phone. They were already giving him meds because they're doing an experiment on him in a bit. I have no idea what they're doing, but I'll find out later. He sounds pretty good, his speech is a bit slower but that's ok. I am just so glad I picked up the phone and got to hear from him. I do miss him a lot and wish he come home soon. Hurry Trix Hurry home! You're a strong guy, and I know you'll get back on your feet soon. You're still in my prayers, and I hope I'll get to see you soon =)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Trix are for Kids...
Keep praying for him and his family.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Texas does too have Pretty weather!
Time for bed, good night!
Monday, October 15, 2007
A new waiting game!
Hurry Trix! Everyone can't wait to see ya out of the hospital =)
*I seriously need better titles*
Friday, October 12, 2007
waiting game is broke!
From James Lin: The neurologist said Jason's MRI showed minimal brain damage. He seemed optimistic. Once Jason is taken off the ventilator, he will have a better idea. Also, the cardiologists think the cardiac arrest may have been due to Brugada syndrome, a sodium ion channel problem. This syndrome has been associated with many cardiac deaths in young males especially in Thailand and Laos.
When I visited him yesterday, I was impressed by all his doctors and especially his nurse. She was very compassionate and attentive to Jason and his parents. Jason is in good hands.
haha...I'm about to call the hospital to see if anything else has changed!
I was too impressed with the CCU staff when I was there. The nurses were doing a great job with Jason and his family. I was especially excited with how they rotated him in the bed and put pillows on the sides. He's too tall for the bed =( He even had a cushion hand guard on for when it would press against the railings and probably other reasons too. haha...the OT in me was jumping for joy to see all that happening or else I probably would have done some bed positioning myself!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The waiting game almost over, hopefully!
So 4:00 pm today, I got a nurse that knows me! Yay =)
Things are somewhat looking up and things are happening...
The EEG showed no signs of seizure activity or head injuries so thumbs up. Jason still is sedated but for good reason...can't have him moving around during his MRI (which hopefully will be happening asap). They need to check to see if there is anything abnormal. But when the MRI clears (praying for that), they can then make a decision and remove him off the ventilators. Can't wait for him to be extubated (is that even a word? The nurse used it!). It will be a good sign that he can breathe on his own and calm some of our nerves down. Also reflexes in his hands and feet are good, but his eyes aren't tracking (but it could just be due to still being under). It would just be good to know a full diagnosis so that something can be done!
This is from his roommate this morning:
Jason had his EEG and it didn't show anything significant. The doctor suspects it's because he is under so much sedatives. He has good reflexes on his hands and feet and he has pupillary reflexes but the doctor is a little worried that he can't see because he is not tracing anything with his eyes, they were going to get him an MRI of his brain to see if there was any damage in his occipital lobe to see if it affected his vision at all. After MRI they are going to decide as a team whether they should take him off the ventilator because the problem is they still have him sedated because if they take him off a little he starts jumping and fighting. He has good reflexes with his ears because the doctor would snap his fingers by his ear and Jasons eyes would move towards the snap, but if he put his fingers in front of his eyes for him to follow his finger it was like if he didnt see anything. They also think that he may have had a convulsion.
Jason's is going to be so excited to hear so many people love and miss him! Please continue to keep him and his parents in your prayers. Also if you happen to have any pictures of Jason recently or even old ones, can you send them my way? A family friend wanted some pictures for when he is in Taiwan. And it be nice for us to put something together for him and send it his way!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I hate the waiting game
Jason, we're all missing you and praying that you'll get better soon!
Dude, you are soooo incredibly popular by the way =)
By the way, Jason, you're missing out on my rantings about fieldwork and tests plus papers/reports that have been spread over a 4 week period...blah!
A waiting game
Monday, October 08, 2007
Jason and Miami
The nurses said that he hasn't gotten any worse or better so that's better than getting worse! But so hard at the same time for all of us to be ok with that. It is really hard seeing him like this. I just want my friend back. I had to try really hard to keep tears from shedding, especially in front of his parents. I'll keep y'all posted as best as I can.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Jason Update
This is what I have from his roommate tonight (10/04):
GOOD NEWS...HE SCORED A 12 ON THE GCS...finally aspirated, will be sedated again to push as much oxygen to his brain...will try to wake him up again tomorrow and hopefully he will improve even more!!! (GCS is probably the Glasgow Coma Scale)
I really hope he does! I can only pray that he is getting better and getting the proper care that he needs over there. As Jenny reminded me tonight to not stress and worry especially since there is really nothing I can do from over here. and to take my own advice that I have given Jason over the last year! All I can do is trust God and keep praying. The power of prayer is pretty amazing =)
If he gets moved to Miami or anywhere in the States, I will probably head there too.
Good night!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Jason aka Trix
Wish you were closer to us so that we can come see you (He's in the Cayman Islands for med school). Hurry and get better so I can have some words with you!
I miss my friend!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Surfing weather
Big and lots of waves don't come often here. and the internet at my dorm was OUT for the entire day! I couldn't get anything done. Well actually I guess that's better since it got me out of the house to study. Which I did all day long. I had too, no more days to procrastinate. The neuro test went ok. Not too bad, not too good. We'll just have to wait to see. Class is about to start...oh boy!
This is what I did to study...I do love these wipe boards!
I studied these tracts way too much. Then the test comes and there was only 1, I repeat 1, question on the test about it. All it asked was what kind of tract is the spinothalamic tract...oi Then the stuff that I study the least gets asked the most, of course! Wouldn't have it any other way =)
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Upset Saturday!
uhgggg Texas
2 years in a row you lose to KState...are you kidding me?
What are you going to do next week to OU?!?!?
How am I going to study now?
Friday, September 28, 2007
Taking a break
Done: Human performance through Learning midterm
Coming up: Neuro midterm, Enabling OP midterm, Research midterm, Assessment paper, and evidence paper all due while I finish out the last 3 weeks of fieldwork!
Come Monday, I may have to change my future occupation.
I'll leave you with these pics:
Leah's 28th at Olive Garden
(I'm a dork and forgot to use my gift card that I brought with me!!!)
Finally, my 1st Italian Cream cake that tastes right! Actually my 2nd, I did a trial run over the weekend!
Monday, September 24, 2007
Happy Birthday LEAH!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Houston 2xs a week

Tuesday, August 28, 2007
enough said....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Year 1 DONE!
Lots of hard work...I don't think I have ever studied or worked this hard in school before. I guess I do want this ;)
I appreciate all the support I have gotten this past year. Especially those who came to visit or because was on the island stopped by to say Hello! You have no idea how much that means to me. It helped tremendously knowing that I can count on my family and friends. So don't go away yet. I still have another year!
and thank you God for being there even when I wasn't.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Game 1- not play, I let those more passionate than me play
Game 2- played, batted twice & hit twice- 1st ball advanced a player & I can't run fast enough so I got out. 2nd ball got caught by the pitcher who ran all the way over to near 3rd base to catch my ball. The pitcher seemed irritated with us the entire game.
My hopes is to play better since I really should be studying for my next final tomorrow.
Edit 10:11 pm- Game 3- I struck out the only time I was at the plate. I stink. The ball did come to me while I was in the outfield, and managed to get it to second but runner was already on base. Who wants to practice softball with me. I also have this habit of throwing the bat...gotta stop that. I'm gonna knock the ump out one day. We still have yet to win a game. We shall prevail!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
Maybe we should do this here in America...
Although with finals...hence why I'm actually writing something...anything is funny.
I just have to make it thru Friday. Then I have officially completed my first year of grad school. That is if I don't fail any classes...
From paychee
For some reason it reminds me of the game assassin. But we wear ridiculous things to win something. I say we play it again...with these Hello Kitty armbands!
Yay Jenny =)
She's going back to UT Austin again...yay! Now I have another excuse to go to Austin =)
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
OU Sucks!
haha...what a bunch of dummies
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Flying contact
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Crinkle in the brain
Cannabis is the name of the plant in which marijuana comes from.
That's about the only thing that really has stuck in my brain for either of tomorrow's midterm.
Happy now Trix?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
We are indeed special
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Round Three...FIGHT!
I am not ready for the summer semester to start.
One week was not enough for a break and the summer has none!
By they way, how was the fight last night?
I wasted my time watching the Rockets...argggggg....BAH!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Honor Society Induction
The Nu Chapter
of Pi Theta Epsilon,
the National Occupational Therapy Honor Society,
cordially invites you to attend the
Induction Ceremony
for the ΠΘΕ class of 2009
on Monday, the fourteenth of May,
Two-Thousand and Seven,
at four o’clock in the afternoon.
reception immediately following.
Friday, April 27, 2007
It's really gone by fast (thank goodness!). I didn't like this semester too much, well more like I didn't like the second half. Anyway, we'll see how I did and if I get kicked out of PTE (before I even get inducted) or not!
For now, it's OVER, and I'm going to enjoy my very short break. I'll be in Houston this coming week so come play with me!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Well I don't have time to say much except...I really do not like living in my dorm room anymore. I think the only reason is because of the temperature setting. It is ABSOLUTELY FREEZING in here! When it's cold outside, my room is probably even colder than that. It is ridiculous that I have to sleep in a long sleeves t-shirt plus sweatshirt and socks. Sometimes I even have to put on my hoodie or wear a beanie! Yes that is how cold it is in here. So now I have a sore throat! Two weeks before finals and during the time when all of our papers and presentations are due. Awesome =(
A lot has happened in the past month tho. I'm just too lazy to post it up. Also I don't procrastinate as much, I take that back, I start earlier and do the heavy duty part later, I don't know when else I could blog to take up time!
For now, this is how I feel...ill...throat is sore...
too much water + juice = too many pee pee trips!
I hope I can somewhat sleep through the night =)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Spring break
That's all for now. Oh yah, got to see Gary's new house yesterday. I really, really like it!
ok, good night. Tomorrow it's Bubbies time =)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Taco bell at midnight
Monday, February 26, 2007
Occupational Challenges Class
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Denise's Day
Monday, February 19, 2007
Fun Weekend!
Saturday I did a lil hw, lounged around some, then Tammi and I celebrated our birthday with friends at Pappadeaux. The lobster bisque was good, but the catfish poboy was only ok. It was fun tho! and Sungjin's present was a knitted scarf! He knitted it himself...yay!!! I got a picture frame and microSD card for my DS lite from Jason and....Thanks to my awesome friends below...
Ti (An), Kelvin, Cathy, Helen, Jason Chao, Sungjin, Daniel Lee,
Daniel Nguyen, Sunny, Gary, Duffy, & Charles
Thursday, February 15, 2007
so who wants to celebrate it with me?
Link given to me on my birthday! Not sure what it means, but thanks a lot Daniel!

and a belated post to my dear, Jason who also turned 26. This is us at his last Lambda formal in 2004. Man we look so young! haha =)
He's now on another island in Med school!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Another Birthday!
Yes that is his arm =p

I tried to cake him with peanut butter after
he took a shower! but I only got the back of his neck and hair and some on the shirt. Good enough for him to have to wash up again!
This is after his attempt to wash his head off
in the shower. You still have pb on your shirt!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Where's the SLK?

This picture was taken right before his 29th birthday. Haha...Andrew looks a tad more mature now, but still acts as though he is 20. Boys just don't grow up!
Happy birthday my friend! Let's party hard this weekend since it will all be down hill from here =P By the way, are we going for a car hunt this weekend unless you have some news that you haven't told us!
You know we all love you! I hope this is one of your most exciting and memorable year, filled with lots of wonderful surprises! Thanks for being such a fantastic friend =D
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Someone have a good pic I can post up for her?
Please send it my way!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Lauren's 23rd!
She went to Houston this weekend, so we celebrated her birthday on Thursday night during and after our usual night of watching Grey's Anatomy. We ate pizza, strawberry pie, and Better than Sex cake! So yummy! After Grey's we just hung around, chatted, and laughed sooo much. My stomach and face were hurting. It's been awhile since I've laughed like that. After this week of school, tonight was much needed. School was just incredibly overwhelming this week.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I want snow!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Welcome back to school!
So school has been in session for 2 days. At least for me it has been. I think our class was the last to start here! It's been going ok. Not really feeling it just yet. I feel like I'm just along for the ride and a zombie in class. My sleeping schedule is slowly, real slowly adjusting. I can now fall asleep at 1:30 AM. I don't know why I can't fall asleep earlier seeing how my classes are at 8 or 9 in the morning now. Tomorrow is a killer. As you can see my schedule, I am in the Friday lab and not the Thursday lab. I will never have a 4 day weekend. It's only like 5 times out of the semester that the other half of class gets a 4 day. It's not bad, I just wanted the 4 day on the weekend after my birthday but the other half of my class can celebrate for me that week. Oh, and I have a test on my birthday. So Thursdays I will have class at 8 AM, have a break, class at 1 PM, have a break, and then class at 5 PM. Now it's the breaks that really make it stink!
I saw Ted Lin today! He's Anet's BIG in DSP. I haven't seen him since he graduated. Well, I ran into him once at The Spot in Galveston when I was applying for school. He got to catch up a little bit when he took me home from class. It was nice seeing an old face again. Thanks Ted!
And I really want to post what I did at the end of my break. It was very different for me and probably really unexpected too. When I get the pics, I'll post it. It will look better!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Spring Schedule
8:00 to 9:00 | | | OCCT LECTURE Room 2.208 | OCCT 5203 PEO on Living LECTURE Room 2.206 | |
9:00 to 10:00 | | OCCT 5303 Occupational Challenges I Room 2.208 | Suzanne | Gretchen | |
10:00 to 11:00 | | | Departmental Meeting | OCCT LAB 1 Room 2.206 | OCCT LAB 2 Room 2.206 |
11:00 to 12:00 | | Patricia | | Suzanne | Suzanne |
12:00 to 1:00 | | | | | |
1:00 to 2:00 | | | OCCT 5301 Developmental Influences LECTURE Room 2.252 | OCCT 5301 Developmental Influences LECTURE Room 2.252 | |
2:00 to 3:00 | | | Patricia | Patricia | |
(2:30) | (2:30) | ||||
3:00 to 4:00 | | | IDEAL Activities | | |
4:00 to 5:00 | | | | | |
5:00 to 7:00 | | | | OCCT 5101 Basic Enabling Skills I Robert | |
| |
| | Annie Sylvester | |