Big and lots of waves don't come often here. and the internet at my dorm was OUT for the entire day! I couldn't get anything done. Well actually I guess that's better since it got me out of the house to study. Which I did all day long. I had too, no more days to procrastinate. The neuro test went ok. Not too bad, not too good. We'll just have to wait to see. Class is about to start...oh boy!
This is what I did to study...I do love these wipe boards!
I studied these tracts way too much. Then the test comes and there was only 1, I repeat 1, question on the test about it. All it asked was what kind of tract is the spinothalamic tract...oi Then the stuff that I study the least gets asked the most, of course! Wouldn't have it any other way =)
isn't called a "white" board, not "wipe" board? :P
white boards wipe boards...aren't they all the same?!?!
haha...fine wipe board. i'm tired
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