Monday, October 15, 2007

A new waiting game!

Whoohoooo! Jason is off the ventilators and so far so good, breathing on his own! That is such fantastic news =) I spoke to his dad today, and he said Jason is a little more aware. and when his dad asked Jason to squeeze his hands, he said Jason made attempts too! Praise the Lord and thanks for all the prayers! Don't stop praying though! Jason's still got a bit more work to do. Continue to keep him and his parents/family in your prayers.

Hurry Trix! Everyone can't wait to see ya out of the hospital =)

*I seriously need better titles*


albeef said...

mmm, I think you used "waiting game" in the last 5 posts... maybe next one will be "no more waiting game" or something.. besides that, I'm excited to hear that he is off the ventilators now. Him showing response is also a good sign. I sincerely hope his recovery goes at a steady rate and we all get to see his goofy smile again. :)

Unknown said...

praise God! thanks for sharing!

Jason Wu said...

title suggestion: road to recovery, recovery stage #