Sunday, July 01, 2007


I absolutely hate them...I really don't know who would like them. Last year when I first moved to Galveston at the end of August, the mosquitoes didn't seem so bad. I really didn't get bit or saw them much then. However, these past few weeks have just been awful! They're everywhere, and I'm their food! I'm going to my car from my room and I get bit. I write this now because one decided to follow me into my room from outside. I rarely get them in the dorms. I think this is the 2nd one I've seen in my room since I've moved here. It was buzzing around my ear. I swatted it away and thought I killed it. I guess not because I didn't see it on my hands or the ground. But now it's no where to be seen. will probably come bother me when I'm trying to sleep! Yay. Go away nasty mosquitoes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awww, did you use my electric fly swatter? dude that's how i get my sweet revenge.