Monday, November 27, 2006

Fix me please

My best work is almost always done from the hours of 10pm to 2 am. I get so much accomplished during that time. It's like my brain only functions during that small window of 4 hours! Someone please get it to work at other hours of the day...preferrably throughout the entire day, at decent hours, and in those 4 hour chunks with small breaks. I will gladly cook and bake you something if you can fix it. Sorry, that's all I have to offer, I'm poor. My study and homework life would be much better and it may even allow me have a social life of some sort too!

OK, good night to all!



Sorry, i'd like to help, but i have the same problem.

i had a friend who was really good and he said it was his military background.

ready to enlist? get a free t-shirt when you join today. =)

Anonymous said...

try turning off aim to start.