Thursday, October 19, 2006


My first grad school week of blah is OVER...DONE!
and I survived.
Whether I did well or not is to be determined.
Today's test kicked me hard in the rear. My friend Leah said she made up
muscle names, and I probably did too. I mean I made them up during class
so there are chances we both made new muscles...those "delceps."

What irritated me the most were the people talking right outside the classroom door
when they were done. Seriously...that's just not nice! and to flaunt how well you
did when everyone else is looking bummed is also not nice. Shame shame for
bad manners...grrr...

oh well, what's done is done and I can't do anything about it.
Going to the gym to play some basketball or ram my head into the wall.
Whichever comes first....

Annie T Sylvester, OTS, "DNR" <--for Lauren

1 comment:

sunny said...

Wahoo basketball. I hope you show them my famous move. "Oops I didn't mean to put my hand on your chest."

And for DNR, I'll make sure of that.