Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Orientation Day 3

...was really short. Kinda makes me irritated since they should have just added more stuff to today instead of us being done by 11:30A and having a free afternoon. I rather just end early and have free time at the end of all that. One more day to go and tmrw is the longest day of them all!!!

So we were done at 11:30 today and was greeted with pouring rain as we walked outside. Hm...I must have missed the umbrella memo bc I didn't bring one and so many other people did! The girls I was with, Leah, Jamie, & Lauren all had one. They're also the ones I have been hanging out with, all of us in the OT program. They're fun! I squeezed under Lauren's umbrella with her and went to get my student parking pass. $35 to park on campus (cheap!), but it is first come first serve. I really only go it for nights when I come to campus. The streets here flood so parking kinds sucks anyway. I think I am going to put in for a parking garage next year. We'll see how it goes and where I'll be living. We had lunch in the hospital cafeteria, Chikafila yum! It was crazy busy in there and we ended up just siting at a table where someone had put there stuff down. and we met them when they came back! They were pretty cool and didn't care that we decided to join their party.

My financial aid money also came in today!!! I was really excited when I checked my bank account this morning. So I paid for tuition, dorm room, and my books. Oh geez my books. So they're all new and all expensive, of course. But the sad thing was, it was raining again as I left the bookstore. They put all 6 books in a paper bag that I had to carry all the way back to my room. By the time I got back, my arms are soooo swoo0lleee!!! haha...the bad also had holes at the bottom and about to break loose. Good thing I was home and wet. Yay for my day of rain. I need to invest in rain boots.


Anonymous said...

aww...hope your arms are feeling better. if i were there, i'd have helped you carry your new books. =)

Anonymous said...

don't you owe me some money? haha

adameepoo said...

sounds hot, im down.

Unknown said...

Oh? I have my own blog site? Interesting...
