Friday, May 12, 2006

My Mom...

At 4:30 AM today, May 12, 2006, I will be taking my mom to the airport. She is going to Cozumel for the weekend with her best friend. Haha...not my dad, he stays here, but with her girlfriend! At first I was like, what are these two ladies going to do there?!?! But Cozumel isn't just a place for younger people to have fun, anybody at any age can go there. Well, I'm excited for my mom :P It's cool that she and her friend can still take trips here and there. I also think, this was another trip that was somewhat spur of the moment. Like the last trip she took to see the same friend out in El Paso. Her friend was out there for work, and my mom saw cheap round trip tickets to there, so she went that weekend. Well that weekend, her and my mom drove all over the place and went site seeing. Haha...these two women! Anyway, I hope she has fun and a Happy Mother's Day!

One day girls, we all better be taking trips like these! Not necessary expensive ones, but just trips with us girls!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my mom just went to new york last month to visit her best friend from college and shibu's coming to visit me in seattle....friends always gotta find a way to hang out