Sunday, May 14, 2006

Annie Moment No. ?!?!?

Vanhdy, Jenny, Andrew, Sam, and I decided to go throw around the football today near Jenny's house. We just threw around the ball and then someone decided to run some routes and what not. All was going well and the guys thought that Jenny and I should practice being QB for girl plays during an actual game. Well, I think I can throw pretty decently, except under pressure. Which obviously happens when you're QB. So when I just throw around, everything just looks better and the ball goes further, all that good stuff. When you have me throw and someone is running at me...I just panic and forget all of the fundamentals of throwing a football. V decides that I should practice being QB and not be so scared of people rushing me. Here is the set up... Jenny is rushing, I think Andrew is receiving, Sam is covering him, and V is the hiker. We get into position, I say "hike" and Vanhdy hits me squared in between my left eye and nose! ooooo geeee golly that freakin' HURT!!! The nose of the football hit perfectly at my face! Nice hit Vanhdy!!! I didn't expect him to hike it right though that is exactly what you're suppose to do as a center. I guess I was a little too close and a little bit close to the ground! Another Annie moment...maybe I should start keeping count :/

Lately I've been having those many moments. Like the other weekend, a bunch of us were playing football. Well I was excited about something, and I was jumping up and down. About the 3rd or 4th jump, I landed and turned my already weak ankle...haha...Samooer just laughed at me. I never did post what happened back in February when I went to Lubbock for my Texas Tech interview. That entire day was awesome! One thing after another. Haha...oh well keeps my life exciting

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you made a nice recovery tho. you called vandy and told him you had a black eye. he believed you! haha