It's Disneyland day! Too bad it's cooler now & cloudy. Stinks. It's like Goldylocks and the 3 bears. Too hot, too cold...oh well. I'm going to have me a great time anyway!
I skipped yesterday, so I'll write that up later.
For those of you who wants/needs shoes or whatever gear, here's Footlocker coupon!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday in SoCal
Sunny, cloudless + totally hot day in socal= a beach day= annie getting her 2nd sunburned!
At least this time I don't have any hand/finger prints that will last 2 years. Geez that 1st one was bad! Today Chi Bao and I went to Crystal Cove near Newport beach to have brunch by the water and spend some time at the beach. It was really nice weather to be out there. We went to this restaurant called the Honeycomber that overlooks the beach. It has amazingly delicious food! I had an egg fritata with spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms in it, and Chi Bao had one of the best tasting pancakes I've had. It was coconut macadamia pancakes with coconut syrup! Man that was soo good! After we were done, we went back down to the beach and sat around talking. I didn't think we intended to sit out there for that long but we did. Because we didn't intend on being out for long, I didn't apply any sunblock on and got toasted. If you know me, you'd know that I'm not a fan of the sun (which sucks bc I like being outside) and when I'm out, I lather up with sunblock. Really it's because I don't like getting dark, I tan all funky. I get the nasty farmer's tan not the pretty golden tan. But usually I'm not this fair skinned to get burned in a short amount of time. Last time I got burned, it was because I was in the sun playing football & refereeing for 6+ hours with only one application of sunblock (having too much fun and forgot about reapplying). I even put on sunblock to go play tennis at 6 o'clock at night when the sun is barely out sometimes. Yeah I wasn't so smart about this one.
It's ok, it doesn't seem that bad. Some aloe on it made it feel better. The rest of the day was fun too. Chi Bao and I went to go pick up her kids, I got to play with Aiden and Avery (most adorable), and had dinner with them when Anh Phi got home plus Kevin and Thuy!
They dropped me off at Bim & Andy's. I was back long enough to use the restroom before taking off to go bowling. 1st game I got a Second game we split up into 2 teams to bet for (non-alcoholic) drinks. Me, Bim, and Binh were on one team. They had calculated how many points each of us would get & gave our team a 50 point handicap. Suckas! I bowled a 130 (30 points higher than anticipated. Still waiting to break my record of 168). So we won without the handicap because Andy didn't bowl what they had thought he would bowl tho! Third game we played straight up, Andy picked up his game (I even bowled 3 points more than the last game!), and we lost =( Which meant we had to dance out by the bowling lanes in front of everyone. Sigh, good thing Bim did most of the dancing for Binh and I!
I just reread this, something I don't do often. I make short stories long. haha...
Fun day! Tomorrow's weather is suppose to be cooler, I hope so!
At least this time I don't have any hand/finger prints that will last 2 years. Geez that 1st one was bad! Today Chi Bao and I went to Crystal Cove near Newport beach to have brunch by the water and spend some time at the beach. It was really nice weather to be out there. We went to this restaurant called the Honeycomber that overlooks the beach. It has amazingly delicious food! I had an egg fritata with spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms in it, and Chi Bao had one of the best tasting pancakes I've had. It was coconut macadamia pancakes with coconut syrup! Man that was soo good! After we were done, we went back down to the beach and sat around talking. I didn't think we intended to sit out there for that long but we did. Because we didn't intend on being out for long, I didn't apply any sunblock on and got toasted. If you know me, you'd know that I'm not a fan of the sun (which sucks bc I like being outside) and when I'm out, I lather up with sunblock. Really it's because I don't like getting dark, I tan all funky. I get the nasty farmer's tan not the pretty golden tan. But usually I'm not this fair skinned to get burned in a short amount of time. Last time I got burned, it was because I was in the sun playing football & refereeing for 6+ hours with only one application of sunblock (having too much fun and forgot about reapplying). I even put on sunblock to go play tennis at 6 o'clock at night when the sun is barely out sometimes. Yeah I wasn't so smart about this one.
It's ok, it doesn't seem that bad. Some aloe on it made it feel better. The rest of the day was fun too. Chi Bao and I went to go pick up her kids, I got to play with Aiden and Avery (most adorable), and had dinner with them when Anh Phi got home plus Kevin and Thuy!
They dropped me off at Bim & Andy's. I was back long enough to use the restroom before taking off to go bowling. 1st game I got a Second game we split up into 2 teams to bet for (non-alcoholic) drinks. Me, Bim, and Binh were on one team. They had calculated how many points each of us would get & gave our team a 50 point handicap. Suckas! I bowled a 130 (30 points higher than anticipated. Still waiting to break my record of 168). So we won without the handicap because Andy didn't bowl what they had thought he would bowl tho! Third game we played straight up, Andy picked up his game (I even bowled 3 points more than the last game!), and we lost =( Which meant we had to dance out by the bowling lanes in front of everyone. Sigh, good thing Bim did most of the dancing for Binh and I!
I just reread this, something I don't do often. I make short stories long. haha...
Fun day! Tomorrow's weather is suppose to be cooler, I hope so!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Sunday in SoCal
Andy and Bim had a bbq today after church. We had hot dogs, sausages, and hamburgers! Can't believe we bbq'd because it is sooo incredibly hot here. Hotter than back home, can you believe that?!?! I thought I came here to escape Texas weather! Anyway, it was good eating. Then I took a nap. and played my first full game of Settlers. and won! Well, Andy and I partnered up. He's one sneaky player. Learned a few things today! Still not totally into the game, but I think I can handle playing now. Tonight, I'll meet up with some friends for dinner and then who knows what. I'm still pretty tired even after getting more than 8 hours of sleep last night! What's wrong with me?!
What's planned so far this week: hanging out & catching up with friends! Disneyland, kayaking & possibly snorkeling, possibly a trip down to check out USC (oh dear! thinking about wearing my Texas shirt there too!)...
What's planned so far this week: hanging out & catching up with friends! Disneyland, kayaking & possibly snorkeling, possibly a trip down to check out USC (oh dear! thinking about wearing my Texas shirt there too!)...
My nose hates me for being in California. Since I have been here, I have not been able to breathe well at all. Either my allergies are really bad here, or I am getting sick. Zyrtec has not been doing its job. I hope I'm not getting sick. I've been really tired, but I just blame the lack of sleep all last week and still now. Although I thought I had enough sleep last night. It's not even midnight west coast time, and I'm about to turn in for the night. I can't adjust to the time as quickly as I use to. Sign of old age?!?!
Anyway, Congratulations to Peter and Lily! Their wedding was quite entertaining! So much going on during the ceremony and the reception. People everywhere! The last time I went to a wedding this huge (600+) was when Kevin and My-An got married in 2001. It was more insane for me then because I was part of the wedding. Crazy viet weddings =)
Good night now. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Anyway, Congratulations to Peter and Lily! Their wedding was quite entertaining! So much going on during the ceremony and the reception. People everywhere! The last time I went to a wedding this huge (600+) was when Kevin and My-An got married in 2001. It was more insane for me then because I was part of the wedding. Crazy viet weddings =)
Good night now. I can barely keep my eyes open.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
5 semesters down, 1 more to go!
Precisely at 9:15 AM this morning, my spring semester officially ended! Finished up our diabetes presentation, answered the panel's questions (which one question gave all 5 of us deer in the headlight look), and curtsied. Feels so amazing to wrap up another semester!
Heading out to SoCal tmrw evening! Anyone want to play with me?
Heading out to SoCal tmrw evening! Anyone want to play with me?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Big Bang Theory
I really like this show.
Makes me laugh.
Maybe I'm just a huge nerd.
Maybe it's just me.
Makes me laugh.
Maybe I'm just a huge nerd.
Maybe it's just me.
I'm sitting in a room with 4 other girls trying to study. Do you already see the problem? haha...funny thing is we're not even talking about our lives or whatever. We're complaining about what's on the test, not even about having to studying. Study everything is what we're told. That's a butt load of stuff to study for. There's a reason they call this the "Big A**" class. It's really 3 classes rolled into one. 3 separate sections none of which overlap one another, taught by 3 different professors, and final written by each professor with 3 different formats. Hm...can you tell that I am having a hard time concentrating?
There have been times when I go for days with a continuous headache. I have no idea why but they're more of a nuisance . However so far this week (so the last 2 days) I have had this massive headache that is just painful. Sometime last night, I started getting the headaches that make you want to throw up! Man they are horrible! Woke up this morning and the headache was still there. At least right now, I don't feel like up chucking anymore. Stinkin' migraines.
One day, 2 more to go tmrw.
Back to studying.
One day, 2 more to go tmrw.
Back to studying.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Houston Rockets
Oh Rockets, I really need you to win tonight. I have goodies on the line for this series!
Please don't play "Rockets ball" tonight or any night for that matter. There is no time left for you to do so. Thank you.
Can't wait for this week to be over so I can start watching the playoffs. I have yet to watch a game. sigh.
On a side note, NFL draft is this weekend!
Please don't play "Rockets ball" tonight or any night for that matter. There is no time left for you to do so. Thank you.
Can't wait for this week to be over so I can start watching the playoffs. I have yet to watch a game. sigh.
On a side note, NFL draft is this weekend!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Kappa Weekend
First time that I've kinda been around the island for Kappa Weekend. It was suppose to be canceled too. But just because the one guy that is "in charge" says it's canceled doesn't mean squat when its been tradition. Also good luck with him changing a party weekend to a weekend for job fairs. Really the partying doesn't affect me much, it's just hearing sirens and noise all night. When Leah and I drove back to Galveston last night, there were police cars and ambulances driving all around before the island and then on the island. Driving around is horrible too! There are barricades up! Yes the barricades!!! The city blocks off certain streets and such so that you can't drive down them. At least residents have narrow pathways to getting off their streets. It's really just insane. Though I don't think it has been as crazy as it has been in the past. Haven't heard any stories yet though.
All right time to get back to school work. Just a few more days...
All right time to get back to school work. Just a few more days...
Friday, April 18, 2008
It's Friday
I have stayed on campus late one too many times this semester! Didn't leave campus until 6:30 tonight. Sucked but got McAlister's for dinner =) delicious sweet tea! and now I'm at home working on my project. I guess it's ok because it's not like I put much time into school work all semester.
By the way, gas prices are sooo bad! Walmart had unleaded gas for $3.34 here in Galveston. Seriously, Walmart?!?! Because of crazy gas prices, my future cars can't be the ones that I want because they all take only premium. booo.
AND it's killing airline tickets! ahhhh...uhggg...sigh.
By the way, gas prices are sooo bad! Walmart had unleaded gas for $3.34 here in Galveston. Seriously, Walmart?!?! Because of crazy gas prices, my future cars can't be the ones that I want because they all take only premium. booo.
AND it's killing airline tickets! ahhhh...uhggg...sigh.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Where the Heart Is
Watching Where the Heart Is while writing up my wheelchair adventure to turn in tomorrow. I should really call it campus accessibility evaluation so it doesn't sound like I'm just writing something ridiculous for class. Anyway, I really like this movie. One of those feel good movies. Always makes me want to help the next person I see in need. Yes, a chick flick, but a really great one with stories that can happen to anyone. Anyway, this is the only thing I can find on tv for background noise.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
I think I have forgotten how to study.
My plantar fasciitis has been kicking in all week.
3 of my friends' babies have been born within a week.
2 more coming soon!
My plantar fasciitis has been kicking in all week.
3 of my friends' babies have been born within a week.
2 more coming soon!
Test time
I have a final tomorrow. I can't remember the last time I studied for a test this semester. I don't even think we've had actual tests or midterms. The only thing I remember is the practical I had mid semester and that's because I was studying on the plane for it. This semester has just been busy work, quizzes (in which I didn't really study for), papers, and group projects. Two more weeks today and this semester will be over! Actually at 9:20 am, April 24, my group presentation will be done! Oh I can't wait!
I have senoritis big time. Come to think of it, this semester started, and I really never did. I cannot get into it. I don't want to do anything but play, sigh.
I have senoritis big time. Come to think of it, this semester started, and I really never did. I cannot get into it. I don't want to do anything but play, sigh.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
I am D-O-N-E with mental health!
Jennifer: are you sure you're done w/mental health? i thought it was a lifetime deal
funny haha, Fung
Oh man, the feeling of being able to cross off one more HUGE thing off the list is indescribable! I had a really good experience. I saw so many different psychiatric diagnosis and things I could not even imagine. It's one thing to read the characteristics in a book and another to see and work with someone who has schizophrenia, bipolar, manic, depression, etc. I'm glad that I had a chance to work in this area, but I don't think I could actually work in a mental health setting. Just a bit much for me. However, no matter where I end up, the psychological aspect of a patient can easily be an area that may be part of the treatment.
funny haha, Fung
Oh man, the feeling of being able to cross off one more HUGE thing off the list is indescribable! I had a really good experience. I saw so many different psychiatric diagnosis and things I could not even imagine. It's one thing to read the characteristics in a book and another to see and work with someone who has schizophrenia, bipolar, manic, depression, etc. I'm glad that I had a chance to work in this area, but I don't think I could actually work in a mental health setting. Just a bit much for me. However, no matter where I end up, the psychological aspect of a patient can easily be an area that may be part of the treatment.
Monday, April 07, 2008
The Adventures of Sheetal & Annie
Sheetal and I had to evaluate how well UTMB's campus is wheelchair accessible.
Answer: NOT accessible at all.
You would think that being on a campus with a hospital that there would be w/c ramps and automatic doors everywhere. So bad. It was quite tedious to wheel around. Tiring too. I mean really, to get to the library, we had to circle the entire building and them some, nearly killing ourselves in the streets and going down ramps to get there. After today, my level of admiration for those in a w/c have increased. Stayed tuned to my flickr. We took 80+ pictures of our adventure. I'll have to caption the pictures to tell the story. Maybe you'll find it as entertaining as we did. I'll leave you with pictures to your entertainment.
Answer: NOT accessible at all.
You would think that being on a campus with a hospital that there would be w/c ramps and automatic doors everywhere. So bad. It was quite tedious to wheel around. Tiring too. I mean really, to get to the library, we had to circle the entire building and them some, nearly killing ourselves in the streets and going down ramps to get there. After today, my level of admiration for those in a w/c have increased. Stayed tuned to my flickr. We took 80+ pictures of our adventure. I'll have to caption the pictures to tell the story. Maybe you'll find it as entertaining as we did. I'll leave you with pictures to your entertainment.
Summer 2009
Spring semester coming to an end
This semester started off really slow. Then all of a sudden there's only 3 more weeks left. What happened with all the time in between is beyond me. I could say that I should have started this stuff earlier, but really I couldn't. Plus you know me, I can't get things started that far in advance.
The next 3 weeks are just going to be a bit crazy. I may have to go into hiding. Haha...I say that, but I don't think it actually ever happens.

haha...I don't think you can see this. After April, I only have about 3 more months left on this island! Now that makes me excited! Been waiting for this since I first moved here. Can't wait for August 8 =)
The next 3 weeks are just going to be a bit crazy. I may have to go into hiding. Haha...I say that, but I don't think it actually ever happens.

haha...I don't think you can see this. After April, I only have about 3 more months left on this island! Now that makes me excited! Been waiting for this since I first moved here. Can't wait for August 8 =)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Texas weather
How can it be super cold and windy one day and then get up in the 80s the next day?!?!
Last night we were out playing volleyball, and by the end of the night I couldn't even feel my toes anymore. Digging my feet into the sand and moving around didn't help one bit. My toes were blue, purple, and numb.
Then today, is absolutely gorgeous! The sun is out, there's a breeze. Great weather to be outside playing! Japan Fest is going on at the park. I think I'll go check it out or something. or at least go walk around. I'm tired of being inside.
Glad we're still getting some pretty Texas weather =)
Last night we were out playing volleyball, and by the end of the night I couldn't even feel my toes anymore. Digging my feet into the sand and moving around didn't help one bit. My toes were blue, purple, and numb.
Then today, is absolutely gorgeous! The sun is out, there's a breeze. Great weather to be outside playing! Japan Fest is going on at the park. I think I'll go check it out or something. or at least go walk around. I'm tired of being inside.
Glad we're still getting some pretty Texas weather =)
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