Friday, April 21, 2006

A Walking Disaster

Since people are asking for updates (who knew you guys actually read what I write!)...

Last weekend, on Saturday, I played in football tournament. Which was a lot of fun, but it would have been much more fun if we at least scored 1 touchdown. Our team has actually not ever played together in an organized manner, so was still a lot of fun! That morning I got there pretty much at 9:00 AM when we're suppose to start playing. I hurried up and smeared sunblock on me as best as I could. Usually, I am very careful about this because I tan horribly and well the sun isn't that great for you in long periods of time. Well since our team was so awesome, we finished playing around 11:30 AM or so. We were done for the day, but some of us had to ref. the other games. So ended up staying and watching and refereeing a game. Well smart me forgot to reapply the sunblock and was out there until 2:00. By then the sun was out and shining ever so brightly. All of us then proceeded to go eat and then we all went home to clean up and stuff. Well some of us decided to wash our cars. My house has trees and sort of shady, so I didn't think about sunblock. Needless to say, by the end of the day I had a bad, bad, bad sunburn. It wouldn't have been that bad if I didn't stay that extra 3 hours at the field or wash the cars. I don't think I have ever been sunburn before except a bit on my nose. By Saturday night, I was in pain. My sunburn hurt so bad, aloe, cold coasters on my shoulders, nothing helped. I think there is a picture of me on Jason's website. Sunny's burn was pretty bad too, just not as bad I don't think. That night during Hold 'Em we were both itching and feeling pretty yuck.

Come Sunday, everything around my shoulders are still red, hurting, and itching. Then during church I start to realize how many ant bites I got from washing my car. Jason's bite showed up Saturday and so did his rash. But my bites didn't show up til Sunday. I didn't know how many until later that day when it started popping up. So now not only was I itching from the sunburn, I was itching from ALL 20 million ant bites I got! They are sooo bad on my hands and bottom of my feet. They look like blisters!!! Ask Jenny, Andrew, or Vanhdy! They got the priviledge of seeing them at Pilates tonight.

Oh...I'm not done yet! To top everything off...I developed Canker sores. Sigh...not one, but 7 stinkin' cankers in my mouth. and for those of you who get confused, canker sores are not in any way related to any types of herpes! If you click on both of those links, they'll take you to different sites about canker sores and possibly why they developed. So yes, I am pretty yuck right now to say the least. All week, I haven't been able to walk or write correctly (yes, I also have bites on my finger tips) or EAT!!! I am sooo hungry...argggggg

For those of you who know me, this is probably something typical to happen to me. I am seriously a walking disaster all the time. At least this time it only effects me and not anyone else! I have a wedding to go to this weekend. I don't think any of this is going to clear up by then. I am going to have great picture turn outs this weekend. Hopefully I won't be asked to be in much even if it's family that is getting married.

I forgot to mention that when I applied the sunblock on, since I was in a rush and all, it was not put on very carefully. So you can tell how far I can reach around and that I am right handed. On my neck/collarbone on the left side is not burnt at all but the right side is because I forgot to put some on that side. Same goes for the back of my shoulders and neck. You can tell where I cannot reach!


Anonymous said...

wow long update....btw i saw the pictures and i cant tell the sunburn...

Anonymous said...

you forgot to add that you run into things