CONGRATULATIONS TEXAS LONGHORN FOOTBALL!!!Who said we couldn't win...who had doubts (*ahem* I won't name any Texas fans either)?!?! All you ESPN commentators who kept dogging on
TEXAS over and over again. We showed you tonight...SUCKERS!!! and where were you, Reggie Bush, Mr. Heisman? You did NOTHING tonight, except maybe that funky lateral! haha...if anything Lyndel White was your man tonight! but who cares because
TEXAS won, we won, we won!
I started getting a headache at the end of the game because I wasn't breathing. Depriving my brain of oxygen. It was just so exciting, so awesome, so crazy, so incredible, not enough time to breathe! My heart had several missed beat during the last 3 minutes of the game. After the game, Adam, Jason, Sungjin, and I went to the drag and the Co-op. Man, was it nuts out there! Cars honking, people screaming (including me!), cops every where! I wanted to go out to 6th but that would not be a good idea. We couldn't buy shirts because there were no more sizes and the lines were forever long. No prob, I'll be back tomorrow.
TEXAS is #1...hands down. I don't know if I can go to sleep tonight, the adrenaline is still go

ing. I hope I can last at work tomorrow. I haven't worked in 4 months nor have I woken up before 8:30 am. It's going to be a long day tomorrow.
Like Kelvin said, "IT FEELS GOOD TO BE A
Say hello to Kaitlin, future
Good night!